Student Moon Journals

Image result for free moon clip artToday we talked about, and read a book about the earth. It was full of great facts which were presented in such a fun a kid friendly way. Ask your student what interesting facts they can remember. I told the kids that I have a model of the moon with a light inside that goes through the phases of the moon but,…. they need to be here tomorrow to see it LOL!
They are SO EXCITED to see it tomorrow. I hope the moon model gives them a little heads up as to what they can expect to see as they follow the phases of the moon for then nest 3 weeks.

I will be sending home their moon journal (paper) this Friday. I’ll put it in your student’s homework  green homework folder. PLEASE START RECORDING THIS FRIDAY. This 3 week project will give your student the opportunity to observe and record the phases of the moon. If there is a day(s) that they can’t see the moon, because it too cloudy, you can look at it via a link on our blog (bottom right side under the Math/Science links). It’s says 2016 but it’s not and when you go to the web page you can key in 2018. It will have a picture of what it looks now where you are living… It also has a ton of other interesting facts you can discuss with your student. FYI, the next full moon is supposed to be on October 24th with the new moon on November 7th.
If you have any questions about the project let me know. This is an important part of the 1st grade science curriculum so please help and support your child with this assignment.
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First Grade Mad Scientest and Art Club Sign Up Due Tomorrow

Image result for SCience and art clip free clip artOur first grade Mad Scientist/Art Club is about to begin! 

Club will meet from 3:00-3:45 on the following Mondays: Oct. 29, Nov. 5, Nov. 12, Nov. 26, Dec. 3 and Dec. 10.  Pick up near the front doors of Q1 is at 3:45 sharp!  The fee for this club will be $5.

Admission into the club is limited to 40 students and will be on a first come, first serve basis. The first 40 contracts turned in to the Q1 office starting Wednesday, October 10th, will be accepted.  The Office WILL NOT accept any contracts before Wednesday. We will inform those who have been selected and you will have until October 23rd to turn in your fee or forfeit your space.  (Rules stated in the contract must be followed for continuation of club involvement).

To print the Club Application/Contract, click on the link below:

Mad Scientist:Art Club Contract

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Homework for October 8th-12th

Homework this week is due on Friday, October 12th:

  • 1- Math Homework: A letter titled “Dear Family” will be sent home in your child’s green take-home-folder tomorrow (Monday).  This week’s math activity is a review of the same math activity from last week. Please have your student review it as the students still need some extra work on it.  It provides an activity to do together.  Please read the letter and invite your child to share what they know about the concept by doing the activity together. If you need a replacement, here is the letter below: Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at 12.26.18 PMScreen Shot 2018-10-07 at 12.26.34 PM
  • ***Parents, please WRITE YOUR SIGNATURE on the math homework, indicating you did this activity with your child**
*These are due on Friday.  When students return this letter with their name and a parent signature (indicating a parent read it and did the activity with their child), the student will earn “Star Dust”. 

  • 2. Daily Reading Fluency (available in the Green Homework folders). I am sending home a “Fast and Fluent” page for your student to practice reading this week. There are 10 words and 10 sentences that your student needs to read daily. Have your student do 3- 1 minute timings each day on the words and sentences then, record how many words they read CORRECTLY in each one minute timing, NOT how long it took them to read it 3 times.                     Let me know if you have any questions.  The goal is to get more words read correctly each day with each timing. The time they spend reading can count toward their 20minutes.

    These sentences contain words that focus on the phonics concept/sounds we will be working on that week. They also help students with what correct sentence structure should look like. This week it’s words that focus on the short /o/ sound as in hot, log and top. There are also a couple High Frequency words we will be reading and talking about.

    ***Please review the High Frequency words from Unit 1 Weeks 1-5 on the ringed high frequency cards you got at back to school night. These are words that your student will be reading frequently from now until they are 102…LOL

    3- Reading 20 minutes per day. Please DO record your students reading minutes each day/week on their reading calendars located in their Green Homework folder.
Below is what we are working on this week in language arts: 
Unit 1 Week 5 Parent Newsletter
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Picture Retakes Tomorrow

Related imageQuest has scheduled picture retakes.
New students and those who would like their student’s picture retaken should be prepared for pictures on Tuesday, October 9. Students should wear their Quest uniforms as usual for these pictures.

Your student should have had a note regarding the details in their homework folder last week, but if you have any questions please let me know.
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Oh Are We Seeing Double?

In the next few days, our math includes “DOUBLES” problems.  Here is our doubles rap and doubles “pictures” we are starting to learn.  Use these to help start memorizing your doubles!
Screen Shot 2017-10-27 at 8.04.52 PM
2016-12-02-14-55-14Here’s how we’re making mental pictures of our doubles
2 + 2 = 4      Picture a wagon with 2 wheels on each side and 4 wheels total
3 + 3 = 6      Picture a 6 pack of soft drinks, with 3 cans on each side
4 + 4 = 8      Picture a spider with 4 legs on each side and 8 legs total
5 + 5 = 10   Picture 5 fingers on each hand and 10 fingers total
6 + 6 = 12   Picture a dozen of eggs with 6 eggs in each row and 12 eggs total
7 + 7 = 14   Picture two weeks on a calendar with 7 days in each week and 14 days total
8 + 8 = 16   Picture a 16 pack of crayons with 8 crayons in each row and 16 crayons total
9 + 9 = 18   Picture a semi (18 wheeler) with 9 wheels on each side and 18 wheels total
10 + 10 = 20  Picture all your fingers and toes for a total of 20

Here is also another doubles rap link we will practive in class: 
Doubles Rap Song

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Weekly Reminders

Image result for free fall clip art1- LABEL belongings. Please label lunch boxes, sweaters, jackets, water bottles, etc. Just a reminder to check out the  Quest Dress Code if you aren’t sure about what the guidelines are. Here’s a few quick ones : Students are welcome to wear sweaters, and or jackets ETC. that are PLAIN red, PLAIN white or PLAIN (dark/navy) blue, without hoods, throughout the day INSIDE OR OUTSIDE. They MAY wear jackets, sweaters, or coats with hoods or mixed colors OUTSIDE ONLY. If you have any questions PLEASE refer to the Quest handbook…

2- FRIDAY:  
   Homework due
 *Students are welcome to show their Quest pride by wearing their school spirit shirts (with uniform pants)

3- Thank you for the donations to date!
We are still collecting canned foods, travel or full-size hygiene items, toothbrushes, and floss for the food bank. We need your help to reach our class goal to donate 300 items!

4- Please look for BOX TOPS on the items you use every day, then clip and send to school.

5- Scholastic Book Order.  Book orders for October are DUE OCTOBER 31st. Click here for easy online ordering, our class code is JBTR2Scholastic Book Club
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Quest Annual Food Drive

Image result for Free food drive clip artShow your Quest pride by donating canned foods, travel or full-size hygiene items, toothbrushes, and floss for the food bank NOW THROUGH NOVEMBER 1ST. Last year our 1st grade class donated tons of  items. Let’s see what our 1st graders can do this year!
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Breakfast at Quest

From Administration: 

kids cheering

Quest Families,

We are excited to start serving breakfast on Monday at 7:45am in the Q1 gym!
Please click here (please let us know if the link doesn’t work) to watch a video regarding procedures that should be followed for dropping students off for breakfast.

The front doors will not be open until 8am still, so it’s important for you to watch the video for details about where and when students should be dropped off.

As a reminder, students who do not qualify for free or reduced meals, will be charged $1.50 for breakfast. We thank Kristen Hales and our lunch staff for putting all this together!

Quest Administration

Starting daily Oct 1st in the Q1 Quest Cafe!

ONLY those students having breakfast will enter through the WEST doors of the Q1 cafeteria. 

Breakfast will only be SERVED 7:45-8:00am. Students will able to EAT until school starts.

Breakfast is $1.50/day. Free and Reduced pricing is the same as for lunch.

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Homework for October 1st-5th

Homework this week is due on Friday, October 1st:1- Math Homework:  ***Parents, please WRITE YOUR SIGNATURE on the math homework, indicating you did this activity with your child for credit*** Please check out the “Optional” extra math practice for more fun games … Continue reading

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Weekly Reminders

Image result for free fall themed clip art reminders1– Check your child’s green folder nightly.

   Homework due
 *Students are welcome to show their Quest pride by wearing their school spirit shirts (with uniform pants)

3- We are still talking about heredity, and life cycles. so if your student hasn’t brought in a family picture (It doesn’t need to be resent) or any others you/ they want to share please feel free to do so. You can send them in a plastic sheet protector or zip lock bag to keep them safe. You can also email them to me if that works better.

4- Thank SO much to all the volunteers who helped make our Hogle Zoo field trip such a success. If you took some pictures but haven’t sent them in yet, please do so.

5- Scholastic Book Order.  Click here for easy online ordering, our class code is JBTR2Scholastic Book Club

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