March Poems & Great Brain Report

March poems
hese are the 3 March poems.  Every student must pass off a poem as a grade.  Also, students need to complete a Great Brain Report and turn it in by the end of the month.Old Man March Wind

Old Man March Wind

That Old Man March Wind blusters through the town, Twisting the tree tops, blowing chimneys down, Rattling the windows, shaking the doors,
Rushing around corners with howls and roars.

That Old Man March Wind will chase you down the street, And if you’re not careful, he’ll blow you off your feet. He’ll set your hat spinning and snatch at your cloak,
And scatter your belongings, and think it all a joke.

Says Old Man March Wind, “ I’m cleaning house for spring- Sweeping up the rubbish, dusting everything,
Fanning the air, polishing the sky-”
Says Old Man March Wind, “ I’m blowing winter by!”

Julia Powell

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