Homework for Sept. 12th-16th

URGENT!!! We are going to carve witch apples on FRIDAY! Please send your child with a MEDIUM size apple on or before Friday. If you are NOT going to be able to provide an apple for your child, please e-mail me or send me a notice through BLOOMZ.

If you have not signed up for Bloomz, please do, it has already proven to be a very useful tool in communication with parents.


Of course, reading is the most important part of our homework! All of us should be reading 20 minutes a night, 5 nights a week. Please print off the Sort and Reading Log to record how many minutes your child read each night.  Please sign and return it on Friday.

This week’s math homework will be completed on www.Prodigygame.com There are 4 assignments on rounding, and will easily be completed over 4 nights for about 15 minutes on the program. If you have not connected to our class, please do so.

We are starting spelling this week for the first time.  Our class will be working on long a sounds with the /ai/ and /ay/ patterns.  Please print off this sort: yellow sort 19
The students will use this sort to practice the indicated patterns.  Quest has asked us to have the students type their spelling word sort each night, but I haven’t trained the students yet, so they are just sorting them this week. They will be expected to type them next week.

Monday-Sort words by indicated patterns ( /ai/, /ay/, and /oddballs/-all other patterns)
 Tuesday-ABC Sort (Sort the words by initial letters.)
Wednesday- Speed Sort (Sort the words as quickly as they can.)
Thursday-Glue sort (Glue the words down in the indicated vowel pattern.)
**Please make a note on the Sort and Reading Log that a sort was done each night.**

2 thoughts on “Homework for Sept. 12th-16th

  1. We are having a hard time locating the 4 assignments within prodigy. We have logged into prodigy but are not sure which world to enter. We have never played prodigy or have any experience with it and would appreciate a little more instruction. Thank you.

    • There have been lots of parent questions about Prodigy, so I am going to have all the students login today and play around a little so they can feel more comfortable with it. All of the Quest students are familiar with the program, but my new students need more instruction, so I will do that today. Also, since she is new to Prodigy, she will take a diagnostic test first, then it will move her into her assignments. After today, she should be okay. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks!

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