Homework for April 4th-8th

Hello and Welcome Back!!  I can’t believe it, but we only have 40 days of school left.  Don’t get me wrong, I am super excited for summer, but I love our class this year.  It’s crazy to think the year is coming to an end. I hope everyone had a great spring break! This weather was rainy, but I hope you got out of town or relaxed inside.  
In math, we are continuing to work on elapsed time all week.
There was a date change on the upcoming field trip:
**Just a heads up for all students and parents: We had to change the date of the fieldtrip to the Living Planet Aquarium on Thursday, April 21st due to transportation. We are SO sorry for any problems this may cause.  Permission slips will be coming home this week.

Monday-Sort words by indicated spelling pattern.
Group #1-yellow sort 28
Group #2-yellow sort 40
Group #3-yellow sort 40
Group #4-yellow sort 46

Math hmwk-elapsed-analog1

Tuesday- ABC Sort
Math hmwk-elapsed-analog2

Wednesday- Open Sort
Math hmwk-elapsed-analog3

Thursday- Speed Sort
Math hmwk-end-time-5minutes-easy2

Friday-Homework and Sort and Reading Log due!

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