Valentine’s Day- February 14th

Our Valentine’s Day Party will be the Multiplication Madness Banana Split Celebration.  It will be in the cafeteria from 2:00-3:00.  If any parents would like to volunteer or donate any supplies, you are more than welcome to.  Just let me know.

Students will be able to pass out their Valentine cards to classmates after lunch.  Please remember no candy with the Valentine cards.  You can give pencils, erasers, small toys, etc.  We have 27 students in our class.  I would prefer you not write names on the Valentine cards. Please just sign your name.   It takes so much time for the students to pass them out if they are addressed to each individual student.  Let me know if you have any questions.

4 thoughts on “Valentine’s Day- February 14th

  1. Do you have a list of items that would help you if we said we would send them. I can bring/send something. I just don’t want you to end up with tons of one item and nothing of something else. 🙂
    I will be there too help.

    • Yeah that would be great! The things that our class is in charge of is the paper products: spoons, bowls, napkins. We are getting enough for the whole grade, so 105 students. We also need to get placemats, but I thought that Chick-fil-A would probably donate some to our school. They are usually really good about that. You could just get one of the things and I’m sure other parents will want to help too. Thanks for your help!

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