Homework February 9-13th

Good Morning! I hope everyone had a great weekend! Be aware that we have a field trip to the Children’s Theatre in Salt Lake City on Tuesday, February 10th. Please sign and return it by today please. Every child needs to pay $5.00 to the front office by Friday to cover their admission into the play. Thanks!

REMINDER: Our class Valentine’s Day Party is on Thursday, February 12th.  Please make sure your child brings 22 Valentine Cards on the 12th.

Monday-sort words by indicated headings
Group #1-yellow sort 23
Group# 2-yellow sort 29
Group #3-yellow sort 40
Group #4-green sort 1

Tuesday- ABC Sort

Wednesday- Speed Sort
Ch 10 L1 part of a whole

Thursday-Open Sort (Sort any way you’d like.)
Ch.10 L3 Part of a set

Friday- Turn in homework and Sort and Reading Log.

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