Fahrenheit 451 Research Project

Fahrenheit 451 Research Project Select one of the following topics:
  1. Research the history of book burning. When and where may have the practice have started? What famous incidents have involved book burning? Why were books burned, instead of simply torn up and thrown away?
  2. How far away are we from having big-screen TV’s in virtually every home? Or from interactive TVs that can combine Internet and other computer capabilities with television services? Research either of these subjects or another technological advance that Bradbury anticipated in Fahrenheit 451.
  3. Research and analyze a symbol from the novel—for example the phoenix or the Mechanical Hound. Trace the origin of the symbol and its significance, along with Bradbury’s use of the symbol, and explain how it helps him express one or more of the novel’s themes.
  4. Pick a major theme of the novel (dehumanization; censorship; corrupt, power-hungry leaders; etc.) and examine the evolution of this idea/issue in our society over the last 60 years.
Criteria: This research project will be in the form of an 8-10 minute multimedia presentation.
  1. Must have at least 12 informational slides, including a resource citation slide. (One measily little sentence for each slide will not receive full credit.)
  2. Will need to discuss, and reference (and cite) at least three reputable resources.
  3. HAVE FUN! This book is full of interesting and applicable issues and ideas! Try to ENJOY and learn something from this project!
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