New York Times Scavenger Hunt

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And then answer the following questions:

New York Times Scavenger Hunt

  1. What article appears in the upper left hand corner of the home page? What kind of article is it? News or opinion?
  2. What article is featured in the middle of the home page, with the picture? Is it news or opinion?
  3. What heading do you see in the box on the right hand side of the home page? What can you assume about the articles whose headlines you see here?
  4. Write the headline of the editorial.
  5. What Op-Ed pieces do you see in today’s paper?
  6. Write the names of the columnists whose work appears in today’s Op-Ed section.
  7. Scroll down the menu on the left hand side of the page. In which section are you sure you’ll see opinion pieces?
  8. Write down two headlines in the Arts section. Are these news or opinion articles?
  9. Write down two headlines from Health. Are these news or opinion articles?

After you have finished your hunt, answer the following questions:

  1. Where in The Times are you most likely to find news stories?
  1. When you located a news story, how did you know it was news?
  2. What is the difference between news and “news analysis”? (The “reader’s guide” can help.)
  3. Where in The Times are you most likely to find opinion pieces? How do you know they are opinion?
  4. Can you find a piece in which facts and opinion mingle?
  5. Is it always clear what’s a fact and what’s an opinion? Why or why not?
  6. Why is it important to be able to tell the difference between fact and opinion when consuming news?

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