Macbeth Vocabulary 2

Macbeth Vocabulary 2  
  1. Treacherous- marked by betrayal of fidelity, confidence, or trust. Not to be relied on; not dependable or trustworthy. Unforeseen hazards or dangers.
  2. Perverse- directed away from what is right or good. Obstinately persisting in an error or fault; wrongly stubborn. To often oppose and contradict.
  3. Irrational– not endowed with reason. Affected by loss of usual or normal mental clarity. Incoherent, as from shock. Lack of sound judgment or reason.
  4. Anxious– Uneasy and apprehensive about and uncertain event or matter; worried.
  5. Paranoid– Exhibiting or characterized by extreme and irrational fear or distrust of others.
  6. Tyrannical– Of or relating to a tyrant or tyranny. Oppressive leader.
  7. Skeptical– marked by or given to doubt; questioning disposition.
  8. Compulsive– Obsessive. Having capacity to compel (convince).
  9. Callous- Emotionally hardened, or unfeeling. Hardened or toughened skin.
  10. Cynical– Believing or showing the belief that people are motivated chiefly by base or selfish concerns; skeptical of the motives of others. Negative or pessimistic; weary of the world, humankind.
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