Author Archives: felicia.kucharski

“Wrinkle” Vocab 1

Assimilate- incorporate. Integrate new knowledge (or person) with what is already in place.Avid- eager or enthusiastic about something.Dilapidated- run down, ruined or decay; result of neglect.Frivoling- to spend or waste something in a foolish, or frivolous, way.Gamboled- to leap or … Continue reading

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Health Journals 5-9

HJ5- In a paragraph, assess your activity level during spring break. Did you stick to your exercise plan?HJ6- Advice Line: Give a student advice for how to say “no” to a “friend” who offers them alcohol.HJ7-List 5 potential consequences of … Continue reading

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Chapter 15 Notes


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ELA Journals 1-5

J1- Describe an alternate universe that you would love to travel to.J2- Make a list of qualities/abilities/skills you have that come in handy when you’re faced with a challenge. List 5. J3- Write one good thing about 10 people in … Continue reading

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Spelling 9

Group Abenefactorcolleaguecommutecommunalcontradict Group BbenigncollectionscommentcommencementcontrabandGroup CcontrastbenefitcollaboratecommitmenteulogyGroup Dcollisioncommoditycommercecontraryeuphoria

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ELA 4-7-15

Journal 1Spelling 9: Ex. 1- Write wordsGrammar: Quotation MarksĀ  1-2 (p.598-601)“Wrinkle” Preview Activity/Discussion: Before Reading

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Health II Journals 1-4

HJ1- Describe what you know about asthma, and what it means to live with asthma.HJ2- Discuss what cardiovascular health is. Name specific aspects involved in cardiovascular health.HJ3- Discuss the movement of oxygen and CO2 in the aveoli. HJ4- How has … Continue reading

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Health Journals 1-5

HJ1- List 5 “healthy hygiene” practices that you follow.HJ2- Do your consider yourself, overall, a healthy person? Why/Why not? What do you take into consideration when assessing your overall health?HJ3- List the 3 sides of the health triangle. Then for … Continue reading

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Health II Journals 16-18

HJ16- What advice would you give a vegetarian in order to assure they got all of the nutrients (proteins) that they need in their diet?HJ17- What is BMR? List 3 factors that influence it.HJ18- List 5 good hygiene practices.

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Brainpops 1-3

For each of these you will watch the video, take 3 notes while watching, and then take the 10 question quiz: BP1- Mood and Tone (under ‘writing’)BP2- Show not Tell (writing)BP3- Biography

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