Author Archives: felicia.kucharski

How-To Article Peer Review Questions

Author/TopicTitle. Is it original?Who is the target audience? Does the article consistently stay geared toward this audience? How/Why not?Does article have an introduction that adequately introduces and summarizes the how-to?Is there a chart, illustration, photograph, or list of needed supplies? … Continue reading

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Journals 11-15

J11-Write the poem “Holocaust”.J12- Response Journal #4 Why is Ann such a dynamic character in the play?J13- Create a list of 10 rules that would be important to you if you were in hiding in the secret annex.J14- Response Journal … Continue reading

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Journals 11-15

J11- Write a narrative of your most eventful day over spring break. Make sure it is in chronological order.J12- Write sequenced directions on how to make/build a snowman.J13- Describe special powers or talents that your snowman has.J14- Write about a … Continue reading

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Journalism Vocab 3

 Trade Publications- publications that cater to a specific field of employment or industry, such as engineering, farming, nursing, or even journalism.Agate- a condensed information, such as advertisements or box scores, set in extremely small type. (approx 5.5pts)Solicitation- as story and … Continue reading

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How-To Article Criteria

 Choose a well thought out topic. (One that you can write a whole article on.)Have an appropriate and original title.Pinpoint your target audience. Make sure that your article stays geared toward this audience.Article must have an introduction that adequately introduces … Continue reading

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Six Traits: Sentence Fluency

Click on the link below to access Six Traits: Sentence Fluency exercises:

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Find a How-To Article

Find a how-to article and answer the following about it:1. Title/topic, author. Is title clear and concise?  2. Targeted audience. How do you know?3. Does the introduction summarize the article? Why/why not?4. Is there a list of supplies included? Is … Continue reading

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Grammar: Action, Linking, and Helping Verbs

Read Through the following and then complete the assignment at the bottom. Verb ReviewA verb tells of an action or state of being. There are verbs that indicate action. These are called action verbs, it tells that something is happening, has … Continue reading

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How-To Article Assignment

Read carefully the following article on writing How-To’s:Writing a How-To ArticleAs you read:1. Summarize the information given in each numbered section.      Part 1    1.     2.     3.     4.    5.    6.Part 2   Same (1-5)2. Brainstorm 5 different topics … Continue reading

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Spelling 6

 Group AhorridstupidcrookedelectronichistoricGroup B6. ragged7. magnetic8. barefooted9. demographic10. independentGroup C11. rigid12. contented13. comfortable14. poetic15. passionateGroup D16. undersized17. metallic18. confederate19. accomplice20. sensitive 

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