Author Archives: felicia.kucharski

Articles 10-14

A10- Flooding in Colorado A11- Logan: Utah/BYU fansA12- Kyleah: WWII LetterA13- Jordan K: Debris-Throwing FansA14- Courtney: Hit by Train/Headphones

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Journals 16-21

J16- Describe all of the things that change during fall. Use figurative language.J17- Write a short story (1 page) that starts with an apple/peach orchard and ends with a pie.J18- Write an eight-line, rhyming poem about leaves. (AABB CCDD, ABAB … Continue reading

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Spelling Lesson 3

Spelling Lesson 3congratulatecongratulationsgraduategraduationinspectinspectionnarratenarrativestrategy10. strategic11. embarrassment12. unnecessary13. occasionally14. trespass15. dismissed Honors~16. challenge17. forbidden18. accompany19. immediately20. political 

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Journals 10-15

J10- As you tracked your veggie/fruit intake and activity, what have you noticed? What could you change?J11- What do you think about your portion sizes?J12- List 3 thing you’ve learned so far in the nutrition unit.J13- What do we need … Continue reading

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Journals 11-15

J11-Describe what life would be like if you were 20 feet tall.J12- This morning, on my way to school…J13- If you could have lunch with any famous person, who would it be and what would you talk about?J14- Free WriteJ15- … Continue reading

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Journals 11-15

J11-Have you ever been in a situation where your friends are jealous of one another, or don’t get along for some reason? Describe. What did you do?J12- Draw a Venn Diagram comparing yourself to either Hopper or Karim. (3 differences … Continue reading

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Nutrition Unit Vocabulary

Nutrition Unit Vocabulary WordsCardiovascular- the body system involving the heart, blood, and blood vessels.Nutrient- a component in foods that helps the body provide energy and healing.Fiber- a dietary component of grains, fruits, and vegetables that helps promote a healthy digestive … Continue reading

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Articles 5-9

A5- Mariah: Inspiring JourneyA6- Addie: Booty SalvageA7- Bradee: Van GoghA8- Ms. K: 911 A9- Tyler K: Boy Mauling at the Zoo

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Vocabulary 2

A Little Piece of Ground – Vocabulary 2 1. Tangible- 1. Able to be touched. 2. Actual. Capable of being understood and evaluated, and therefore regarded as real. 3. Able to be realized.  Capable of being given a physical existence.2. Indelibly- … Continue reading

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Spelling 2

Spelling Lesson 2 controllerpatrolledforbiddenconferredpreferredunforgettabledeferredexpelledtransmitting10. deterring11. occasionally12. occurring13. incurred14. propeller15. admitting Honors~omittedpermittedacquittedoverlappinghandicapped

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