Author Archives: felicia.kucharski

Essay Examples Assignment

Go to: Grade-8-ArgumentativeEssayExamplesHere you will find three different argumentative essay examples, ranging from low-scoring to high-scoring. You will read/analyze each essay and then give your opinion on each (strengths/weaknesses). Maybe even compare each essay’s strengths/weaknesses to your own strengths/weaknesses. Each … Continue reading

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Homework: Anne Frank Article

Read through this article: The New York Times ArticleAnswer the questions thoroughly. You will need to refer back to the article in order to answer most of these. This is how informational reading works! 🙂No guesswork. Due Friday, December 11.

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Health Journals 5-9

HJ5- List 5 benefits of regular physical activity.HJ6- What do you think the average teen’s attitude towards alcohol is?HJ7-What are some ways that you can work with your friends to create a plan to avoid alcohol?HJ8-Why are teenagers more vulnerable … Continue reading

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Homework: Misused Verbs Lie/Lay

Click below to access assignment. Print or complete on separate piece of paper. Misused Verbs- Lie:LayDue Friday, December 4

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Daily Writings 5-9

DW5- Pick a book at the book fair that looks interesting to you. Write about why that books stands out to you. What about it calls to you?DW6- In 20 years I will be…DW7- FRIDAY FREE WRITE!DW8- If I were … Continue reading

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ELA Journals 6-10

J6- “First They Came for the Jews” Poem and questions.J7- Write “Holocaust” poem to line 7.J8- Why are Miep and Mr. Kraler helping the Franks and Van Daans? Would you help in this situation? Why/why not?J9- Compare/Contrast Anne and Peter–Venn … Continue reading

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Homework: Active Voice vs. Passive Voice

Click below to learn about Active Voice vs. Passive Voicepowerpoint-active-passive-voiceAs you read through the power point, answer the questions below regarding active and passive voice:Define active voice–Define passive voice–List the 8 forms of “to be” (linking verbs)-“Let’s Practice I” 1-10-“Let’s … Continue reading

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Health Journals 1-4

HJ1- What is the cardiovascular system? List 3 things you want to learn about it.HJ2- Why do you breathe harder when you exercise?HJ3- List the 3 types of blood vessels.HJ4- Name the 4 components of blood.

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Utah Compose: Appositives

Click below for the assignment:AppositivesTitle it “Utah Compose: Appositives” and follow directions as explained. 

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Introduction to Holocaust Assignment

Title paper-Holocaust Brain Pop Assignment:View “Holocaust” and “Anne Frank” videos (as class).1. Complete review quizzes for both (as class).2. Go to the “Holocaust” video and then the “Q & A” section. (username: quest101, password: rams)-Pick 5 questions and read through … Continue reading

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