How-To Article Peer Review Questions

  1. Author/Topic
  2. Title. Is it original?
  3. Who is the target audience? Does the article consistently stay geared toward this audience? How/Why not?
  4. Does article have an introduction that adequately introduces and summarizes the how-to?
  5. Is there a chart, illustration, photograph, or list of needed supplies? How does it add to the article?
  6. Is there at least 10 steps of instructions? Are they sequential, clear, and well organized.
  7. Are any outside sources cited?
  8. Are there additional tips or advice? How do they add to the article?
  9. Name of reviewer
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Journals 11-15

J11-Write the poem “Holocaust”.

J12- Response Journal #4 Why is Ann such a dynamic character in the play?

J13- Create a list of 10 rules that would be important to you if you were in hiding in the secret annex.

J14- Response Journal #6- Compare/contract Anne Frank book and play.

J15- Response Journal #5- What is the main conflict in the book/play and when does it reach it’s climax?
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Journals 11-15

J11- Write a narrative of your most eventful day over spring break. Make sure it is in chronological order.

J12- Write sequenced directions on how to make/build a snowman.

J13- Describe special powers or talents that your snowman has.

J14- Write about a caroling catastrophe! Use at least 10 transitions words.

J15- Letter to Santa convincing him to…
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Journalism Vocab 3


  1. Trade Publications- publications that cater to a specific field of employment or industry, such as engineering, farming, nursing, or even journalism.
  2. Agate- a condensed information, such as advertisements or box scores, set in extremely small type. (approx 5.5pts)
  3. Solicitation- as story and outline, or a proposal for a story, that you want to sell or contribute to be published in a magazine.
  4. Active voice- refers to a sentence construction in which the subject is the agent(the do-er) of the verb. Ex-The farmer(sub) milked(verb) the cow.
  5. Passive Voice- When the subject becomes the target (receiver) of the action (verb). Ex. The cow (sub) was milked (verb) by the farmer.
  6. Present tense- the tense or form of a verb expressing action, activity, state of being, in present time.
  7. Full Circle- taking an item, idea, or character that was present at the beginning of a story and bringing it back at the end.
  8. Feature Story- a center, typically longer, story in a magazine or newspaper. Unlike a news story, it doesn’t have to be tied to a current event. Rather, it can stem from a news event. (Rebuilding after a hurricane, etc.)
  9. How-To/Instructional- publications that instruct readers on how to do something.

10. Author guidelines- are exact specifications of how a magazine wants its stories written and are available by calling or emailing the magazine.

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How-To Article Criteria


  1. Choose a well thought out topic. (One that you can write a whole article on.)
  2. Have an appropriate and original title.
  3. Pinpoint your target audience. Make sure that your article stays geared toward this audience.
  4. Article must have an introduction that adequately introduces and summarizes your how-to.
  5. A chart, illustration, photograph, or list of needed supplies. (Must have at least one.)
  6. Instructions must be written in the form of 10 steps. Must be sequential, clear, and well organized. (Keep in mind the reader may not know all of the contextual verbiage.)
  7. Cite any outside sources.
  8. Must include some additional tips or advice.



  1. rough draft (written out)
  2. type up
  3. revise (peer review)
  4. final draft (print)
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Six Traits: Sentence Fluency

Click on the link below to access Six Traits: Sentence Fluency exercises:
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Find a How-To Article

Find a how-to article and answer the following about it:

1. Title/topic, author. Is title clear and concise? 
2. Targeted audience. How do you know?
3. Does the introduction summarize the article? Why/why not?
4. Is there a list of supplies included? Is one needed? Why/why not?
5. Are the steps in sequential order? Are they clear? (Even to those who may not have an comprehensive understanding of the contextual verbiage?)
6. Are all of their sources cited? 
7. Are their any additional tips or advice added to the article? Is it useful? Why/why not?
8. Are their any pictures, drawings, or charts that are included? Does it enhance the article? How?
9. Is the article edited well? We’re there any errors? (punctuation, grammar, sentence structure)
10. Does the author direct the reader to other articles or further information on the subject? Should they have? Why?

Due: Friday 12-6-13
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Grammar: Action, Linking, and Helping Verbs

Read Through the following and then complete the assignment at the bottom.

Verb Review

A verb tells of an action or state of being.


There are verbs that indicate action. These are called action verbs, it tells that something is happening, has happened, or will happen.


Chase shouted.

The birds flew away from the 8th graders.


There are also verbs that tells something is existing (or state of being). These are the linking verbs, they link the subject with some other word (often an adjective) or words in the sentence.

Example of commonly used linking verbs:

be (am, are, is, was, were, been, being)

Cody is working hard, I’m sure.

Braeden feels sick, but he’s also working hard.


Verbs that are made up of  a main verb and another helping verb is called verb phrases.

Besides the commonly used verbs (mentioned above), helping verbs also include these words:

has                  shall                 may                 could               do

have                will                   should              might               did

had                  can                  would               must                does


All of the 8th graders have finished their spelling words by now.

For further review your may go to this website:

and review the difference between ACTION, LINKING, and HELPING verbs.

Then, on your own paper, complete the following questions 8-22:

Action or Linking Verbs

Determine whether the boldfaced verbs in the following sentences are action or linking verbs.

  1. It appears that the only solution to this problem is starting over,” said Trudy.
  2. “The group appears dismayed at that prospect,” she thought to herself.
  3. Dennis was asked to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the butler did it.
  4. There was no doubt in his adversary’s mind that his argument would prove faulty.
  5. The sign says to stay behind the line when viewing the work of art.
  6. We stayed quiet while the tour guide explained the painting.
  7. We tasted the orange sherbet and ordered a pint to take home.
  8. We decided that it tasted delicious.

Verb Phrases

Identify the verb phrases in the following sentences. (First one has been done.)

  1. We could have driven to the city, but we took the train instead.
  2. Nancy would not have thrown the paper away if she had known it was important.
  3. William had already read the book twice, so he must have easily discussed it with the teacher.
  4. Next time, if you should need help, please feel free to ask. I would be very happy to help.
  5. The dealer will go to the flea market to find good antique deals.
  6. I didn’t realize that she had already gone; otherwise, I would have given her the money earlier.
  7. The skier might have won the race had she not gotten her pole stuck in the snow.

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How-To Article Assignment

Read carefully the following article on writing How-To’s:

Writing a How-To Article

As you read:

1. Summarize the information given in each numbered section.
Part 1






Part 2

   Same (1-5)

2. Brainstorm 5 different topics you would be interested in writing a How-To on. (Utilize the information you just read about in the article…that’s why you read it.)
     **Put a star next to your favorite. (The one you’re pretty sure you’re going to do.)

3. Decide you your audience is going to be. Write a couple sentences explaining why you’ve chosen that particular group as your target audience.

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Spelling 6


Group A

  1. horrid
  2. stupid
  3. crooked
  4. electronic
  5. historic

Group B

6. ragged

7. magnetic

8. barefooted

9. demographic

10. independent

Group C

11. rigid

12. contented

13. comfortable

14. poetic

15. passionate

Group D

16. undersized

17. metallic

18. confederate

19. accomplice

20. sensitive


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