Anne Frank Vocab 2

  1. Glutton- greedy person. Food lover.
  2. Mediate- intervene to resolve conflict.
  3. Enamored- in love with somebody; captivated.
  4. Antagonize- provoke anger or arouse somebody’s hostility
  5. Calligraphy- skill of handwriting, lettering.
  6. Egotistical- narcissistic, conceited, selfish person.
  7. Seethe- to be angry, fume.
  8. Incriminate- make appear guilty; accuse of wrongdoing.

Exercise 1- Write words and definitions (Do this Monday-3A, and Tuesday 1B)

Exercise 2- Write a sentence for each word.

Exercise 3- Pictures
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Grammar: Action Verbs-Ex.1

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It’s a Gamble!
Go to the lesson and complete assignment on your own sheet of paper, title “It’s a Gamble”.
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Journals 11-15

J11- Are drugs a good thing or a bad thing? Why?

J12- What’s the difference between drugs and medicine?

J13-What is the difference between a reasonable and unreasonable risk?

J14- What is the difference between drug misuse and abuse?

J15- Do you consider yourself a healthy person? Why/Why not?
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Journals 6-10

J6- Write about some fall/seasonal or Thanksgiving traditions you have.

J7- Write a short story with the line “…then I grabbed the rake and ran after him…” in it somewhere.

J8- What if we used apples for currency and money grew on trees…?

J9- Describe a Thanksgiving feast using descriptive language. Focus on 5 senses. Use 1 hyperbole and at least 1 simile or metaphor.

J10- Thankful FOUR: trace hand, write in each finger something that you’re thankful for. Turn hand into a TURKEY! 😉
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Journals 6-10

J6- What does it take to stand up to a policy or rule (or even law) that you feel is unjust? Have you ever?

J7- Response Journal #2 (50 words/double points): Compare/Contrast Anne and Peter

J8- Discuss your likes/dislikes of the play thus far.

J9- Write out the poem “Holocaust”.

J10- Response Journal #3: Describe the mood during the Hanukkah celebration scene. Why?
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Opinion Piece vs. News Article Activity

Opinion vs. News Article


Go to:




and find TWO opinion (op-ed) pieces and TWO news articles.


For each of them (FOUR total): read the article and write


  • Title/ Author


  • 1 paragraph about what makes it either a news article or and opinion piece.
**Make sure the articles you are finding and reading are school appropriate.

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Six Traits: Word Choice

Here are the Six Traits: word choice exercises. Each is worth 5 points and represents a day’s activity in class.
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Articles 22-5

A21- Teacher Hero

A22- Alex: High Speed Car Chase

A1- Sheldon: Bed Bugs

A2- Missing Husband

A3- Scary Accident

A4- Elaine: Museum Medals

A5- Willow: Maverick Robbing
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Op-Ed Article Assignment

We’re Writing an Op Ed Article!


Part 1~

1. Brainstorm 3 different things/ideas you would enjoy looking into and writing an

Op Ed piece about:






  • Success tips for incoming students

  • Profiles and stories about graduating seniors

  • Stories about preparing for and attending school activities (stomps, etc)

  • Profiles and behind-the-scenes looks at big theater or musical productions

  • Explanatory stories about new construction or other changes at your school

  • Profiles of new teachers and/or retiring teachers

  • Fun places to go or things to do in the area.

  • Are students washing their hands effectively? (Or just doing a courtesy wash)

  • Offset symptoms of sleep deprivation by moving school start

  • Profile of a student with diabetes

  • How to cope with depression

  • Many, many, many, many more!!


Part 2~

More about opinion articles:  Go to this website and read the article on op-ed pieces.


Write down a 1-sentence summary of each section.











Part 3~

Research- What type of research is needed/did you do for this article? (interviews, library, first-hand, etc)

1-paragraph explanation

**Will need to attach research/interview questions to final draft.

Part 4~

Write op ed piece! (1 page minimum)

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