Anne Frank: Vocabulary 1

Anne Frank Vocab 1

  1. Appalled- shocked by something dreadful
  2. Tyranny- evil use of power
  3. Loathe- intense hatred
  4. Conspicuous- easily seen
  5. Ostentatious-rich and showy; flashy
  6. Unabashed- unashamed; bold; forward
  7. Zeal- having enthusiasm for something; passion
  8. Gingerly- doing something very carefully or cautiously; delicately.


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Spelling 5

Spelling 5- Eighth grade

Group A

  1. hydrant
  2. thermos
  3. consent
  4. chronic
  5. fertilize


Group B

  1. hydrogen
  2. dehydrated
  3. thermometer
  4. diameter

10. synchronize


Group C

11. preferred

12. speedometer

13. referral

14. consensus

15. destructive


Group D (honors)

16. sensitize

17. antihistamine

18. sensibility

19. proclamation

20. structural

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J22- Write about your favorite fall memory, in real time-as if you’re experiencing it now.

J23- What if pumpkins grew on trees…

J1- What do you think fall symbolizes in relation to the human life span? Why?
(birth/youth/adult/old age)

J2- Narrate a day in the life of a Halloween character.

J3- Free Write

J4- Write a thank you letter to someone.

J5- You are a turkey. Write a letter to _________ convincing them to eat something other than turkey for Thanksgiving.
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Journals 1-5

J1- How would you feel/react if congress announced that all people with blue eyed would have all of their rights taken away and would no longer be considered citizens?

J2- How would this affect our economy, society, nation?

J3- Describe what stereotyping and discrimination is? What experiences have you had with these things?

J4- Why is stereotyping a bad thing? Why can it be harmful?

J5- Response Journal #1 (on unit outline) Why to Miep and Mr. Kraler help the Franks? Would you?
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Anne Frank Vocab 1

Anne Frank Vocab 1


  1. Appalled- shocked by something dreadful
  2. Tyranny- evil use of power
  3. Loathe- intense hatred
  4. Conspicuous- easily seen
  5. Ostentatious-rich and showy; flashy
  6. Unabashed- unashamed; bold; forward
  7. Zeal- having enthusiasm for something; passion
  8. Gingerly- doing something very carefully or cautiously; delicately.


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Lyrics Assignment

For many people, the closest they ever come to poetry is listening to music.

For a writing assignment that we will be working on, you will need to bring in the lyrics from a song in your favorite genre and a song from your least favorite genre. (Two songs total)

***MUST be school appropriate!! (So if your favorite song isn’t school appropriate, you’ll have to pick your second, or even third favorite.)

Due Thursday, November 7
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Sentence Structure Assignment

Right two sentences for each sentence type.

1. Simple

2. Complex

3. Compound

4. Compound-complex
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DUE DATE:  November 4th, 2013


Our health class is discussing the affects of tobacco, alcohol and drugs.  Each student will create an anti-poster as a project dealing with one of these topics.


You will be required to choose one of the above topics and create an anti-_______  slogan/advertisement. Do YOUR OWN work please. Be original and creative. Refer to the TRUTH IN ADVERTISING: ADVERTISING TACTICS. These are tactics Big Tobacco uses to sell their products. Turn the tables and use the same advertising tactics against them!


Grading Criteria                                         Points

1.  Neatness & Appearance                                      10 pts

2.  Must be colored                                                    5pts

3.  ORIGINAL Advertisement/Slogan                    15 pts

    appropriate to chosen topic                     _________________

                                                                 TOTAL      30 points



**These posters will be judged for creativity/originality and overall “greatness”. There will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes awarded!


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News Article Assignment

News Article Assignment:

  1. Brainstorm event (local, pertinent to you personally. ie- school, community, neighborhood, religious group, etc.)
  2. Figure out the 5W & H for event. (This may require some interviewing…)

1 and 2 are due Monday, October 28th

3. List of 5-10 interview questions, and interviewee(s).

4. Headline for article

5. Lead

6. Article


Due Friday November 1st

25 points

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Journals 1-5

J1- Why do teenagers start smoking? List 3 reasons.

J2- List 3 risk factors and 3 protective factors that pertain to you.

J3- Why does the tobacco industry (Big Tobacco) target teens?

J4- List 4 body systems that tobacco/smoking affects and 1 effect for each of them.

J5- List 5 ways in which you can avoid a smoking/tobacco habit.
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