Articles 10-14

A10- Flooding in Colorado

A11- Logan: Utah/BYU fans

A12- Kyleah: WWII Letter

A13- Jordan K: Debris-Throwing Fans

A14- Courtney: Hit by Train/Headphones
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Journals 16-21

J16- Describe all of the things that change during fall. Use figurative language.

J17- Write a short story (1 page) that starts with an apple/peach orchard and ends with a pie.

J18- Write an eight-line, rhyming poem about leaves. (AABB CCDD, ABAB CDCD)

J19- One night, while trying to sleep, I heard the most horrifying sound…

J20- If people didn’t hand out candy for Halloween, what would they hand out?

J21- Write about your plans over fall break, in sequential order.
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Spelling Lesson 3

Spelling Lesson 3

  1. congratulate
  2. congratulations
  3. graduate
  4. graduation
  5. inspect
  6. inspection
  7. narrate
  8. narrative
  9. strategy

10. strategic

11. embarrassment

12. unnecessary

13. occasionally

14. trespass

15. dismissed



16. challenge

17. forbidden

18. accompany

19. immediately

20. political


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Journals 10-15

J10- As you tracked your veggie/fruit intake and activity, what have you noticed? What could you change?

J11- What do you think about your portion sizes?

J12- List 3 thing you’ve learned so far in the nutrition unit.

J13- What do we need in order to have strong bones, healthy muscles and skin and energy? How do we get this?

J14- Identify 3 of the 6 essential nutrients and a food in which we can get that nutrient.
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Journals 11-15

J11-Describe what life would be like if you were 20 feet tall.

J12- This morning, on my way to school…

J13- If you could have lunch with any famous person, who would it be and what would you talk about?

J14- Free Write

J15- Write a short story using the following words: crumpled paper, bobby pin, train, discombobulated, autumn.  (1 page)
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Journals 11-15

J11-Have you ever been in a situation where your friends are jealous of one another, or don’t get along for some reason? Describe. What did you do?

J12- Draw a Venn Diagram comparing yourself to either Hopper or Karim. (3 differences and similarities.)

J13- Discuss the “shift” that Karim is going through. What is this shift of responsibility? Have you ever felt something similar? Explain.

J14- Hopper is a risk-taker. Have you ever had a friend who takes a lot of risks? Are you a risk-taker? Why/Why not?

J15- Have you ever been in a situation where you felt you had to prove to someone that you were brave?
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Nutrition Unit Vocabulary

Nutrition Unit Vocabulary Words

  1. Cardiovascular- the body system involving the heart, blood, and blood vessels.
  2. Nutrient- a component in foods that helps the body provide energy and healing.
  3. Fiber- a dietary component of grains, fruits, and vegetables that helps promote a healthy digestive system.
  4. Saturated fat- a type of fat from meat, poultry, dairy products, and solid vegetables fat, usually a solid at room temperature.
  5. Minerals- types of nutrients that helps to maintain body processes.
  6. Vitamins- nutrients that help the body use carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
  7. Water- a nutrient that regulates body temperature, helps digest food, and helps remove waste.
  8. Protein- a nutrient needed for the growth, development, and repair of all body tissues.
  9. Carbohydrates- main source of energy for the body.
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Articles 5-9

A5- Mariah: Inspiring Journey

A6- Addie: Booty Salvage

A7- Bradee: Van Gogh

A8- Ms. K: 911

A9- Tyler K: Boy Mauling at the Zoo

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Vocabulary 2

A Little Piece of Ground – Vocabulary 2


1. Tangible- 1. Able to be touched. 2. Actual. Capable of being understood and evaluated, and therefore regarded as real. 3. Able to be realized.  Capable of being given a physical existence.

2. Indelibly- 1. Impossible to remove or alter, rub out or wash out. 2. Containing indelible substance. (an indelible pen)  3. Unforgettable.  Impossible to remove from the mind or memory and therefore remaining forever.

3. Incredulously– Unwilling to believe. Showing disbelief.

4. Aghast- Horrified. Overcome with shock and dismay.

5. Unabated – Without any reduction in intensity or strength.

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Spelling 2

Spelling Lesson 2


  1. controller
  2. patrolled
  3. forbidden
  4. conferred
  5. preferred
  6. unforgettable
  7. deferred
  8. expelled
  9. transmitting

10. deterring

11. occasionally

12. occurring

13. incurred

14. propeller

15. admitting



  1. omitted
  2. permitted
  3. acquitted
  4. overlapping
  5. handicapped
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