Journals 6-9

J6- Should BMI (Body Mass Index) be done in schools? (per news article)

J7- List four things you’ve done this week to help prevent disease/illness?

J8- List three things you’ve learned from the Disease/Illness Prevention Unit that you have or will apply to your life.

J9- How do you feel about your diet? Healthy? Not healthy? Why?
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Journals 6-10

J6- React to beginning of novel. Like? Dislike? Why?

J7- Free Write

J8- Discuss your thought and feelings regarding the refugee camps? Why are they refereed to as “those people”?

J9- Who do you tell your secrets to? Why do you trust that person?

J10- Make a connection: Write about something that you have been able to relate to from chapters 6-8.
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Journals 6-10

J6- Write about a time you were brave…

J7- Describe your most ‘perfectly awesome’ pet, made specifically for you.

J8- Write about your favorite season using your five senses.

J9- Invent a new food. Describe it in detail using your five senses.

J10- If you could have lunch with any famous person, who would it be? Why? What would you talk about?
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Spelling Lesson 1

Spelling Lesson 1

  1. alligator
  2. junior
  3. incubator
  4. murmur
  5. reflector
  6. ancestors
  7. glacier
  8. investor
  9. particular

10. anchor

11. angular

12. gladiator

13. linear

14. perpendicular

15. tweezers



16. conqueror

17. impostor

18. moderator

19. professor

20. vinegar

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Personal Mission Statement Questions

  1. What is the one trait you would like to pass on to your children


  1. List the two most important people in your life.


  1. Give one word to describe each person in question #2.


  1. If you had your own currency, finish the following: “in ____________ we trust.”


  1. Finish the statement: “give me ___________ or give me death.”


  1. List two qualities you seek in a life partner.


  1. Describe yourself in one word.


  1. Finish the statement: “ . . .  life, liberty, and the pursuit of ______________”


  1. What two rules should everyone follow?


  1. Later in life would you rather be married with children or rich and famous but alone? 


  1. What are three things you would do if you knew you would not fail?


  1. Take a moment and reflect on the last time you were really happy in life.  Briefly describe what you were doing, who was there, and how you felt.



  1. Think of the person that knows you the best.  If you were to ask him/her what your three greatest strengths are, what would he/she say?


  1. If you could have dinner with 3 people—living or dead—who would you have dinner with?



  1. If you had the ability to turn back time, what would you change in your life?
  2. What is your proudest accomplishment?


  1. If you were given one million dollars and had to give it to a charity, which charity would you give it to?


  1. What is one thing you would change about yourself?


  1. If your house was on fire and you could only save one thing/person, what/who would you save?



  1. If you could ask the creator of all things one question, what would you ask?
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Vocabulary 1

“A Little Piece of Ground” Vocab 1:


1.Reproachfully- Disapproving. Expressing disapproval or blame.


2.Massacre- The vicious killing of large numbers of people or animals.


3.Outmaneuver- Outsmart, outfox; to get the better of.


4.Refugee– Somebody who seeks or takes refuge in a foreign country, especially to      avoid war or persecution.


5.Surreptitious- Trying to avoid being noticed.  Done in a concealed or underhand way to escape notice, especially disapproval.

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Vocab 1

Journalism Vocab 1:

  1. 5W’S & H The essentials of any story: who, what, when, where, why, and how
  2. INVERTED PYRAMID A style of writing most commonly applied to news stories in which the most important facts appear early in the story and less important facts later in the story
  3. CAPTION The portion of the layout which explains what is happening in a photograph. Also called cutlines. Often includes a photo credit.
  4. EDITOR Has overall responsibility for the publication
  5. EDITORIAL A type of story which serves to express an opinion and encourage the reader to take some action
  6. ETHICS A standard of conduct based on moral beliefs
  7. FACT A statement that can be proven. Not an opinion
  8. FEATURE A story written with some interpretation that goes beyond just reporting the facts
  9. FLAG The name of the paper that usually appears at the top of page one
  10. GRAF  A paragraph in news writing.  These are often short, around 2-3 sentences.
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Journals 1-5

J1- List 5 things you do on a regular basis to stay healthy.

J2- Are there any illnesses or diseases that you are at risk for due to either genetics or lifestyle? Explain.

J3- Take the Disease Prevention and Better Health Quiz (p.4 in Student Issue), rate yourself and then write a 2-3 sentence reaction to your score.

J4- Do you know someone with a chronic illness? What do you do to help them and show empathy?

J5- List 5 preventative measures for Heart Disease.
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Illness and Disease Prevention Vocabulary

Disease and Illness Prevention Unit Vocabulary:

  1. Communicable disease- a disease that is caused by the direct or indirect spread of pathogens from one person to another.
  2. Non-communicable disease- a disease that is not caused by pathogens and not transmitted through contact.
  3. Pathogen- tiny microorganisms that invade the body and attack its cells and tissues, including bacteria, parasites, fungi, and viruses.
  4. Prevention- practicing healthy habits to stay free of illness and disease.
  5. Disorder- normal function is impaired.
  6. Epidemic- sudden out break of disease that is more than expected.
  7. Pandemic- sudden geographically widespread outbreak of disease.
  8. Symptoms- observable changes in body functions that signal disease or illness.
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Journals 1-5

J1- Write about an awesome book you read over the summer. (…or ever…)

J2- What has been the biggest conflict, trial, or hardship of your life thus far? How did you deal with it?

J3- Thing about the hard time in your life that you wrote about previously, how did it change you? In what ways did you learn and grow from this struggle?

J4- What do you do, or where to you go, that’s just yours? Your “little piece of ground?” Describe and explain.

J5-Make 2 “Top Ten” list similar to Karim’s. “Top Ten Things I Want to Be” and “Top Ten…Don’t Want to Be”.
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