Homework: Irony

Label assignment “Identifying Irony”

Complete this worksheet that discussed the three different types of irony.

Due Friday, December 18th

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Creative Writing Agenda 12/14/15

  • DW15- Describe a memorable moment. Incorporate one alliteration.
  • Narrative Writing (Write Source p.93-96)
  • Answer questions 1-3 (p.94)
  • Decide topic for narrative story and do a topic cluster brainstorm. (p. 95)
  • Start rough draft of narrative. 1 page
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ELA Agenda 12/11/15

  • No journal
  • Spelling 4 test– Exercises due.
  • Vocabulary 2: Ex. 3–Pictures
  • Finish Play
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ELA Journals 11-16

J11- Describe the mood of the Hanukka celebration and causes of it.
J12- Create a list of your own 10 Secret Annex Rules.
J13- Discuss what makes Anne such a dynamic character.
J14- Write Poem “Holocaust” (Whole poem.)
J15- Compare/contrast the film and the book. Which what your favorite? Why?
J16- What is the main conflict of this story/play? What type of conflict is this? What is the climax?

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Daily Writings 10-14

DW10- If in were an insect, I would be… (in this entry include: 1 hyperbole, 1 metaphor/simile, 1 onomatopoeia, 1 personification.)
DW11- Describe in detail your most indispensable possession and what makes it so.
DW12- Free Write!
DW13- Discuss your favorite tradition that you have this time a year. (Winter/holidays/etc.)
DW14- Describe your favorite or most dreaded household chore. Include 1 alliteration. (Repeating beginning consonant sound.)

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Chapter 16 Vocab

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Anne Frank: Vocabulary 2

  1. Glutton- greedy person. Food lover.
  2. Mediate- to intervene; to resolve conflict.
  3. Enamored- to be in love with somebody; captivated.
  4. Antagonize- to provoke anger or arouse somebody’s hostility
  5. Calligraphy- skill of handwriting, lettering.
  6. Egotistical- narcissistic, conceited, selfish person.
  7. Seethe- to be angry, fume.
  8. Incriminate- to make appear guilty; accuse of wrongdoing.



Ex. 1- Know/Don’t know/Think know + word and definition

Ex. 2- Sentences

Ex. 3- Pictures

Ex. 4- Synonym + Antonym

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Spelling 4

Group A

1. absorb

2. accompany

3. accomplice

4. unusual

5. altercation


Group B

6. ambassador

7. ambiguous

8. agriculture

9. specific

10. apparatus


Group C

11. approximately

12. prisoner

13. authentic

14. authenticate

15. auxiliary


Group D

16. benevolent

17. blasphemous

18. acquiesce

19. vengeance

20. camouflage

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Health Journals 10-14

HJ10- List three factors that influence teen smoking.
HJ11- In a paragraph, discuss the different ways that the media can influence teenage tobacco use.
HJ12- What are three long-term health risks from tobacco use?
HJ13- What are some over-the-counter drugs that you have used or heard of? Explain what over-the-counter means.
HJ14- Explain the difference between drug use, misuse, and abuse.

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Creative Writing 12/10/15

  • DW14– Collected Daily Writings 10-14
  • SixTraits: Voice/Style 4–Pool Party
  • Finish “Argumentative Essay Analysis” (on blog) and turn in.
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