Essay Examples Assignment

Here you will find three different argumentative essay examples, ranging from low-scoring to high-scoring. You will read/analyze each essay and then give your opinion on each (strengths/weaknesses). Maybe even compare each essay’s strengths/weaknesses to your own strengths/weaknesses. Each response must be 3-5 sentences (small paragraph). NO GENERIC RESPONSES! (i.e.–“It was a good essay. They did a good job.” -That tells me nothing and requires very little thinking!) Use EXAMPLES from the essays to back up your critics. Hint—Look at each essay’s scoring to notice where it’s weaknesses are and pay specific attention to those areas while reading. How could they improve those areas that they scored low in?


Essay 1-                

“This essay was really short and extremely generic in its statements. For example, ‘School is hard.’ should have been backed up with reasons why it’s hard. There were very few details. Much more evidence and explanation is needed for this essay to make sense…etc.”

Essay 2-

 …and so on.

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Homework: Anne Frank Article

Read through this article: The New York Times Article

Answer the questions thoroughly. You will need to refer back to the article in order to answer most of these. This is how informational reading works! 🙂

No guesswork.

Due Friday, December 11.
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Health Journals 5-9

HJ5- List 5 benefits of regular physical activity.
HJ6- What do you think the average teen’s attitude towards alcohol is?
HJ7-What are some ways that you can work with your friends to create a plan to avoid alcohol?
HJ8-Why are teenagers more vulnerable to developing long-term brain damage from alcohol use?
HJ9- Why does the media insinuate that drinking alcohol is fun?
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Homework: Misused Verbs Lie/Lay

Click below to access assignment. Print or complete on separate piece of paper.

Misused Verbs- Lie:Lay

Due Friday, December 4
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Daily Writings 5-9

DW5- Pick a book at the book fair that looks interesting to you. Write about why that books stands out to you. What about it calls to you?
DW6- In 20 years I will be…
DW8- If I were a teacher, I would…
DW9- Thankful Five. Trace hand, write 5 things you’re thankful for. 😉
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ELA Journals 6-10

J6- “First They Came for the Jews” Poem and questions.
J7- Write “Holocaust” poem to line 7.
J8- Why are Miep and Mr. Kraler helping the Franks and Van Daans? Would you help in this situation? Why/why not?
J9- Compare/Contrast Anne and Peter–Venn Diagram, T-chart or Paragraph
J10-Write “Holocaust” poem to line 14
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Homework: Active Voice vs. Passive Voice

Click below to learn about Active Voice vs. Passive Voice

As you read through the power point, answer the questions below regarding active and passive voice:

  1. Define active voice
  2. Define passive voice
  3. List the 8 forms of “to be” (linking verbs)-
  4. “Let’s Practice I” 1-10-
  5. “Let’s Practice II” 1-5-
  6. **Extra Credit (5pts)- rewrite the paragraph on the last slide in active voice.

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Health Journals 1-4

HJ1- What is the cardiovascular system? List 3 things you want to learn about it.
HJ2- Why do you breathe harder when you exercise?
HJ3- List the 3 types of blood vessels.
HJ4- Name the 4 components of blood.
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Utah Compose: Appositives

Click below for the assignment:

Title it “Utah Compose: Appositives” and follow directions as explained.


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Introduction to Holocaust Assignment

Title paper-
Holocaust Brain Pop Assignment:

View “Holocaust” and “Anne Frank” videos (as class).

1. Complete review quizzes for both (as class).

2. Go to the “Holocaust” video and then the “Q & A” section.
(username: quest101, password: rams)

-Pick 5 questions and read through the answers for them.

-For each, on your paper write: a. the question- b. summarize the answer.   (Summarize= shortened version in your own words, but long enough to cover it.)

3. Finally, go to the ‘activities’ section and pick 5 vocabulary words (not ‘Holocaust’) from the movie to define. (hint- you may have to watch the movie again, pausing throughout to write the definition as you come across each term.)

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