Journals 1-5

J1- Pronouns 1-2 (p.706-709, 1-9 and 1-5, 1-5)
J2- Pronouns 3 & Review (p. 710-711, 1-5 and 1-8)
J3- “Terrible Things” allegory and questions 1-10.
J4- How would you feel if the government announced that all those with bule eyes had no more rights? How would that affect the economy, society, our nation?
J5- Explain what stereotyping and discrimination are. Describe an experience you’ve had involving one or the other.

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Daily Writings 1-4

DW1: Write about a Halloween activity that you’ve participated in recently. Use 5 onomatopoeia’s.
DW2: Describe your favorite fall treat. Use imagery. (5 senses)
DW3: What is your favorite fall memory? Use 1 onomatopoeia, and 1 personification (AND IMAGERY) in your description.
DW4: Acrostic Poem for AUTUMN.

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Spelling Lesson 3

Group A

  1. congratulate
  2. congratulations
  3. graduate
  4. graduation
  5. inspect

Group B

  1. inspection
  2. narrate
  3. narrative
  4. strategy
  5. strategic

Group C

  1. embarrassment
  2. unnecessary
  3. occasionally
  4. trespass
  5. dismissed

Group D

  1. challenge
  2. forbidden
  3. accompany
  4. immediately
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Homework: Verb Review

Title this assignment Verb Review.

Verb 1-
Number 1-15. Write the verb from each sentence. (Click on the image to make it bigger.)

Verb 1.5-
Number 1-15. Write the verb from each sentence.
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ELA Extra Credit: 10 Wonderful Words

Go to this blog and experience 10 new WONDERFUL words! Pick your top THREE favorite words from this list and write them–along with their definitions–and say briefly what you like about that word in particular. (ex. “I think it’s fun to say.” or “I would use this word a lot!”) 

Worth up to 10 points!!

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Citing Your Essay

Here is a MLACitationsWorksCitedCheatSheet to help you with MLA citing. (Aka–giving credit to your source! It is plagiarism if you don’t do this!)

Here are some additional sources/tools to help you with citing sources in MLA:

Helpful websites include:

Purdue’s Online Writing Lab (OWL)

             MLA guide

A Research Guide For Students

University of Maryland University College Library Services: MLA Examples

Long Island University’s Color-Coded Examples

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Final Essay for “A Little Piece of Ground”

Choose on of the following topics:

  1. By the end of the book, most of the main characters have been transformed by their experiences of life under military occupation. This transformation is one of the main themes of the book. For Karim, growing up means learning about the realities of the occupation and discovering his own courage and capacity for resistance. What has he learned about himself and humanity in general?
  1. One theme in the novel is the importance of having a place that is your own, where you control your own life. The Israeli occupation has taken away the important places in Karim’s life, his grandmother’s village, his school, his neighborhood, his ability to move around freely. The importance of Hopper’s Ground is that it is a place the boys can reclaim, can make their own, where they are free from occupation, parents, and can do what they want. Karim and Hopper are both fighting for their own space, their own freedom, but each in different ways. Explain the differences between what each of them are fighting for.
  1. This novel is set in a place where there is a major conflict going on. Who is the conflict (war) between and what are they fighting over?


Write a 1-page typed informative essay. The purpose is to analyze character growth and motivations, or to inform your reader.


  • Prewriting (webbing or other type of brainstorming)
  • Mapping essay (outline)
  • At least one page (11-12pt default font and 1.15 spacing)
  • Utilize transitions!
  • Must be organized and have clear ideas
  • Back up points with evidence from the text. Must cite text (LPoG) at least THREE times in your essay. (summarizing/analyzing specific event, quotes, etc.) Appropriate in-text citations required.
  • Accurate grammar, punctuation and spelling
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Journals 17-19

J17- Discuss/react to p.178. Analyze Karim’s feelings of betrayal and the significance of the soldier looking for a moment like Jamal.

J18- Predict how Karim is going to escape from the car?

J19- Respond to the ending of the book. Was is happy? Sad? Both? What will you take away from this book? (1/2 page)

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Daily Writings 15-18

DW15- Describe your weekend. Organize your description in chronological order and use at least 10 transitions.

DW16- Write a biopoem about yourself.

DW17- Free Write Friday!

DW18- Write about what you’re plans are (or maybe what you wish they were) for Fall Break. In your description use 3 hyperboles, 1 simile, and 1 metaphor.
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Health Journals 16-18

HJ16- Why might total calories, portion size, and ingredients be the first three things that you should look at on a food label?

HJ17- List your 5 favorite snack foods.

HJ18- What did you learn about your favorite snack food(s)? What might be some healthier replacement snacks?
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