ELA Homework: Nouns


Go to this power-point to find the information you will need for this assignment: noun-types-and-capitalization-lesson

Part I

Write the definitions, and one example, for each.

  1. noun-

  2. concrete noun-

  3. abstract noun-

  4. singular noun-

  5. plural noun-

  6. possessive noun-

  7. common noun-

  8. proper noun-

  1. When do we capitalize nouns?


Part 2- Practice

Write what type of noun are given. (Instructions and example provided on PP.)


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Brainpops Assignment

For each: Watch video and take 3 notes—things you learned. And then take the review quiz. Write down your answers for the quiz. (Number 1-10)

BP1- Types of Writing
BP2- Ideas
BP3- Show not Tell
BP4- 5 paragraph essay
BP5- Arguing (Debate)

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Spelling Lesson 2

Prefix :: meaning :: examples

Group A

  1. mis- :: bad, badly; wrong, wrongly :: misbehave, misspell
  2. de- :: reduce down, away from :: defeat, decrease
  3. bi- :: two :: bicycle, binocular
  4. tri- :: three :: tricycle, triangle
  5. quad :: four :: quadrilateral, quadrant

Group B

  1. oct :: eight :: octagon, octopus
  2. en- , em- :: to cause to be, put or go into or onto :: enable, embark, employ
  3. sub- :: under, beneath, below, secondary :: subway, subsoil, substitute
  4. semi- :: half :: semicircle, semicolon
  5. anti- :: opposite, against :: antibiotic, antifreeze

Group C

  1. auto- :: self :: autograph, automatic
  2. multi- :: many/much :: multicolor, multifamily
  3. poly- :: many/much :: polygon
  4. uni- :: one/single :: unicorn, unicycle
  5. deca-, deci- :: ten :: decade, decimal

1- write prefix :: meaning :: example words
2- write prefix- your own word starting with that prefix.
3- write prefix- draw pic of its meaning
4- write a sentence using a word containing that prefix.

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ELA Homework: 7 Homophone Mistakes

Due Friday, October 2

Go to this blog that discusses some commonly confused homophones.

For each set of homophones:
             ~Write each word and it’s meaning/definition.
             ~Write a sentence for each word, using it correctly.

Number each set of words. (1-7)

1. Sow/Sew
Sow- To scatter or spread; plant.
She sowed the seeds into the dense dirt while the sun beat down on her.
Sew- To stitch, hem, or embroider.
He wants to sew blankets together to make a large tent.

2. ….

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Little Piece of Ground Vocab 2

  1. Gesticulate– to make gestures; body movement communicating something. Wave, motion, signal.
  2. Mosque– Muslim place of worship.
  3. Cajole– to persuade or coax. Sweet-talk.
  4. Viscous– thick and sticky. Gelatinous, gluey.
  5. Galvanized– stimulate somebody to act. Spurred, roused.
  6. Militant– aggressive; involved in fighting. Confrontational, radical.
  7. Eliciting– provoke a reaction; to draw out. Causing, prompting.
  8. Befogged– confuse; to cover with fog.
  9. Ostentatious– rich and showy. Flashy.
  10. Mercurial– lively and unpredictable. Containing mercury.

1- Guessinations and Definitions
2- In context (of novel)
3- Pictures
4- Sentences

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Journals 12-16

J12- What is the difference between being brave and being reckless?
Give an example of each–one from the book, and one from real life. That’s four examples total.

J13- Make a prediction about the novel. 1 paragraph

J14-Why do the cats become so important to the boys? Have you had a pet that did the same for you?

J15- Create your own “Hopper’s Ground.” Either with a paragraph description or a diagram. Label the diagram.

J16- Chapter 19-21 Comprehension Questions

1-How does Karim feel at first about the new boys who come to Hopper’s ground?
2-What does Karim feel proud about at the end of chapter 19?
3-What is the trick that Hopper plays on the tanks?
4-What draws the tanks to Hopper’s Ground?
5-Where does Karim hide from the soldiers?
6-What will likely happen if he’s found?

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ELA Agenda 9-22

  • J12
  • Literature Circle Discussion #4
  • Vocabulary 1– Quiz  (All four vocabulary exercises due!)

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ELA Journals 7-11

J7- Describe the refugee camps. and the refugees that are there. 1 paragraph

J8- Who do you tell your secrets to? Why do you trust this person?

J9- What place feels most like ‘home’ to you? What makes it feel this way?

J10- Compare/contrast Karim and Hopper.

J11- What is the “big shift” that Karim felt? Have you ever experienced something similar?
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Daily Writings 9-14

DW9- Find three similes/metaphors from A Little Piece of Ground. Write them. Then write one simile and one metaphor of your own.

DW10- Show (describe) your favorite weather. (1 paragraph)

DW11- Read, edit, and re-write your weather description (DW10) with added descriptions. Make it better. 🙂

DW12- Write about something you feel strongly about. Convince your reader of its “awesomeness!”

DW13- Should chivalry still exist? Argue one side.

DW14- Tell a fall story. Use 5-senses in your descriptions. Have the line “…she grabbed the rake and ran after him…” somewhere in your story.

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Daily Writings 4-8

DW4- Write a “thank you” letter to someone. Informal letter format.

DW5- If you could only pick 5 foods to eat for the rest of your life, list what they would be. Then pick one and describe it. (Utilize the 5 senses)

DW6- Free Write Friday! (1/2 page)

DW7- Write a one page short story. Any topic.

DW8- Free Write Friday! (1/2 page)

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