Spelling, Vocab, Grammar Assignments

Here you will find Tuesday and Thursday’s spelling, vocabulary, and grammar assignments for ELA.

Once you have completed the days reading, worked on your role, and journal. You will move on to these assignments:

Spelling- Write words Right to Left
Vocabulary- Write a sentence using each word correctly. (Example: 1. He looked reproachfully at his child’s messy room.)
Grammar- p.652-655, 1-9 and 1-11   Title assignment Using the Right Word 1 and 2. Turn in when done. (Write Source book on cart in the front of the room.)

Spelling- Write words accentuating all vOwEls.
Vocabulary- Write each word, and then define it in your own words. (Ex. 1. Reproachfully-when someone looks at another person or thing showing they are annoyed or not happy.)
Grammar- p.656-659, 1-9 and 1-13. Title assignment Using the Right Words 3 and 4. Turn in when done.
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Health Assignment for Tuesday 9/8 and Thursday 9/10

After you have done your reading, current event, and health journal, you will get a packet that will guide you through the rest of chapter 2 and 3. This assignment should take both days to get through.

Below you will find the powerpoints for chapter 2- sections 2 and 3, and chapter 3- sections 1-3. You will use those powerpoints to find the information in the packets you’ve been given. PLEASE DO NOT WRITE IN THE PACKETS. You will write all of the answers on your paper that’s titled “Chapter 2: Notes.” As you are going alone through the sections, remember to also be writing down ALL VOCABULARY words on your paper titled “Chapter 2: Vocab.”

As you are completing the work on your paper, please FORMAT  and LABEL it as each page is labeled in the packet. For example:
Chapter 2: Notes
Section 2: Self-Esteem and Your Health




Building Health Skills (This one does not have answers from a powerpoint. This is for you to do using your own brain.)





Expressing Your Emotions



…and so on.
When you move on to chapter 3, please differentiate on your paper that you are now working on chapter 3. (Ex. “Chapter 3: Notes” and “Chapter 3: Vocabulary”)

*You do NOT need to do the Media Wise homework.

**If you are having trouble finding the information you need. Do your best to answer using common sense and your already existing knowledge. I will go over all of this when I get back.

Turn in packets at the end of each class to the substitute. Hold on to all of your work.

Powerpoints you will need:





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Spelling Lesson 1

Group A

  1. alligator
  2. junior
  3. incubator
  4. murmur
  5. reflector

Group B

  1. ancestors
  2. glacier
  3. investor
  4. particular
  5. anchor

Group C

  1. angular
  2. gladiator
  3. linear
  4. perpendicular
  5. tweezers

Group D

  1. conqueror
  2. impostor
  3. moderator
  4. professor
  5. vinegar

1- Write words
2- Write words RIGHT to LEFT
3- AccEntUAtE All Of thE vOwEls
4- Chunk by syll-a-ble

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Chapter 1 Review Quiz


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Daily Writings 1-3

DW1: List and discuss three things you did this summer that you’d never done before.

DW2: What is your greatest strength as a student? What is something that you could strengthen?
            (1 paragraph each)

DW3: Respond to quote: “We write to taste life twice.”  (1/2 page)
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ELA Journals 1-6

J1: What is/has been the biggest conflict of your life?

J2: Who am I:
  1. What motivates me?
  2. What are my best abilities?
  3. How do peers influence me?
  4. When and with whom am I at my best?
  5. Who are my best sources of help?
  6. How can I do more of what will best help me to succeed?
J3: What are some benefits of working in groups, and discussing the material, with others who are currently reading the same work of literature? List at least 3.

J4: Make your own lists: 10 things I want to do/be… (and) 10 things I DON’T want to do/be…

J5: Discuss a place/hobby that is “yours.”

J6: What character do you like most so far? Why?

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Health II Journals 1-6

HJ1: 1-What are some common health problems for teens? 2-Describe a healthy person that you know. What makes them healthy in your eyes?

HJ2: How have health problems/issues changed from what they were 50-60 years ago? What do you think the cause(s) of these changes are?

HJ3: Describe why it would be beneficial to apply the DECIDE process to important choices that you have to make? List 3 decisions that you might apply this decision-making process to.

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Vocabulary 1

  1. Reproachfully- Disapproving. Expressing disapproval or blame.
  1. Massacre- The vicious killing of large numbers of people or animals.
  1. Outmaneuver- Outsmart, outfox; to get the better of.
  1. Refugee– Somebody who seeks or takes refuge in a foreign country, especially to avoid war or persecution.
  1. Surreptitious- Trying to avoid being noticed. Done in a concealed or underhand way to escape notice, especially disapproval.
  1. Tangible- Able to be touched. Actual; capable of being given a physical existence.
  1. Indelibly- Impossible to remove or alter, rub out or wash out. Unforgettable; impossible to remove from the mind or memory
  1. Incredulously– Unwilling to believe. Showing disbelief.
  1. Aghast- Horrified. Overcome with shock and dismay.
  1. Unabated – Without any reduction in intensity or strength.

1-Know/Think I know/Don’t Know Chart–Write words and definitions

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EHS Reading Assignment

Read and respond to each of the following articles:

4 Time Management Tips for Online Students

List the 4 time-management skills. Then briefly discuss which one you could/should implement and why.

10 Helpful Study Tips for Online Students

List and briefly discuss the top 3 ‘helpful hints’ that would be the most helpful to you personally.

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Chapter 19





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