Back to School Reminders
Carpool Pick Up Changes:
- Though kindergarten doesn’t officially start until Wednesday, August 25, we ask that all siblings of kindergarten students be picked up from the back of Q1 starting the first day of school.
- Daycare vans will continue to pick students up behind the school as was done in past years.
- If possible, loading from the left side of the vehicle is preferred.

Here is a summary of the online documents we have posted for your review and signature. If you have already submitted the forms no further action is necessary at this time.
Subscribe to my blog: This is the yellow sun on the right hand side of this page. It will ask for your email, your name and your child’s name.
Parent Survey:
Class Disclosure:
Food Permission Form:
Bloomz: I will use this throughout the year to communicate with parents along with the blog. The link I posted before wasn’t working so I have included a step by step instructions below if you are still having a hard time accessing that.

Supply List: I am asking for money donations in the amount of $30.00 instead of you buying your child’s supplies. This means that I do all the shopping, labeling and organizing. Awesome, right? One less thing that you have to worry about. However, this does not cover headphones. Please send those in with your child on the first day of school. You can click on the Parent Info Tab above, or click the link, to find out what your $30.00 will cover.
Dress Down days are listed below. Students are welcome to pre-pay $7 or donate a $1 each time. Note: October and May are FREE dress down days. And December dress down day is not included in the pre-pay donation.

Please be on the look out for volunteer sign up sheets as I am going to wait until after the first couple weeks of school to see what this class’s needs are.