This week we start homework! Please look in your student’s blue folder for their math homework packets. I will send homework home at the first of every week and it needs to be brought back EVERY FRIDAY. Please don’t feel like your student has to finish it all in one night. The packet is meant to allow them to have something to review throughout the week.
Your student should also still be filling out their moon phases chart and return in on September 19.
I know as a parent it can be hard to not help your student with their homework. PLEASE do all you can to allow them to do it on their own. This will help me to know who understands what we are learning and who is struggling. If you notice your student is struggling a lot with something, feel free to let me know and I can give them extra practice if needed.
Friday will be dress down day and all donations made will go toward Hurricane Harvey.
We also heard back from The Hogle Zoo and our field trip is planned for next week, September 12th. If you haven’t sent me an email letting me know if your student is eating home lunch, or school lunch, please let me know ASAP. I need to send numbers into the cafeteria tomorrow. If your student wants school lunch they have a choice between an apple, or applesauce, as well as, chocolate or white milk. Let me know which choices they prefer.
If any parents would like to come on our field trip and I have not yet talked to you, please let me know. We would love to have a few more parents come with us!
Thanks so much!
Miss Ferrin