Quest Families,
It’s been absolutely amazing to see everyone again! We hope your students are enjoying being back to school as much as we are enjoying being with them!
We want to thank everyone for being patient as our teachers have been learning to manage classroom learning coupled with e-learning. They are working hard and trying to improve things on a daily basis. Keep being patient–together, we got this!
Please remember that this Friday and next Friday are teacher work days. Students will stay home on these days as our educators assess how things are going and make adjustments to maximize everyone’s learning experience (on-campus and e-learning).
Though we have allowed parents to drop their young students off these past few days, we now ask that students enter the building without adult assistance. Elementary students should enter the building through the front doors and then go out back through the recess doors. They could also go through the gate between the two buildings to access the back of the school. When the bell rings, they’ll line up as they’ve been taught. Thanks for your understanding in this matter as we try to mitigate student and staff exposure.
We also want to thank all the adults for wearing masks from the moment they leave their vehicles. Very few people actually enjoy wearing masks, so we appreciate the example and positive attitudes you have. We’re making lemonade out of lemons!
Quest Administration