Homework Packets: A new math packet will be sent home on Monday to be completed and returned by Friday. Please allow your students to complete these packets by themselves as much as possible. The purpose of this homework is for a quick review, some practice, and a chance for parents to see what their child is learning in math.
Reading: Students should be reading at least 20 minutes each night. There is a reading log on my blog under homework that you can fill out online, or print and put in homework folders.
Math Fluency Timings: Starting this week we will be doing math timings. Click on the Math Timings Link to see where your child is at on math timings. Then print the timing page they are working on. Addition and Subtraction Fluency Timings. Print the page they are working on and put it in a sheet protector in your child’s blue folder. Time them for 1 minute and 15 seconds twice. Have them use an expo to write their answers that way you can reuse sheets. During class if they pass it off they will move up to the next timing. Once they complete all these timings they will receive more difficult mixed timings to complete.
*Don’t forget our field trip will be on Tuesday. Look for the field trip post from the other day for more information regarding your student’s group, what they need to bring, wear, etc.