Author Archives: jessica.ferrin

DoublesIn the next few days, our math includes “DOUBLES” problems.  Here is our doubles rap and doubles “pictures” we are starting to learn.  Use these to help start memorizing your doubles!Here’s how we’re making mental pictures of our doubles2 + … Continue reading

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Canned Food DriveShow your Quest pride by donating canned foods, travel or full-size hygiene items, toothbrushes, and floss for the food bank. Last year our 1st grade class donated 230 items. Let’s see what our 1st graders can do this year!

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Class Ice Cream Party

Our class has won an ice cream party for doing a great job on our cookie dough fundraiser! It will be October 10,2018. Please click on the link below and fill out the permission slip for your child to participate … Continue reading

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Weekly Reminders

1- Please keep all toys at home.2- Do you need picture retakes? Picture Day is Tuesday, Oct 9th. 3-  To help in your Halloween costume selections, here are a few Quest Costume Guidelines:Costumes should be modest and without blood or gore. Though students may paint their … Continue reading

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Breakfast Drop-Off Procedures

We are excited to start serving breakfast on Monday at 7:45am in the Q1 gym! Please click here to watch a video regarding procedures that should be followed for dropping students off for breakfast. The front doors will not be open until 8am still, … Continue reading

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Homework 1. Math Letter 2. Reading Passage and activities 3. Read 20 minutes each night. I hope  you’re all familiar now with the homework requirements in our classroom.  After this week I will not be posting about homework. It will continue to look the same … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday Zoey!

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Hogle Zoo Video

We had so much fun at the Hogle Zoo! Feel free to click the link below and see some of the cool animals we saw! Mrs. Knight’s Class Hogle Zoo Video 

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Weekly Reminders1– Check your child’s blue folder nightly.2– FRIDAY:     Homework due *Students are welcome to show their Quest pride by wearing their school spirit shirts (with uniform pants)3- Scholastic Book Order.  Click here for easy online ordering, our class code is R4R8F: Scholastic Book Club

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Hogle Zoo Field Trip Behavior ContractPlease review the below behavior contract from Hogle Zoo with your child before our field trip tomorrow. 

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