Author Archives: jessica.ferrin

Blog Updated

Many of you weren’t receiving emails when I updated the blog. I have updated my blog subscription and everyone should be on the list. Thank you for your patience while I figured this out! You should receive emails Mondays, Wednesdays, … Continue reading

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Hogle Zoo Video

Here is a fun little video of the Hogle Zoo. I know lots of parents took pictures, so if you have some, feel free to send them to me and I will add them to the blog as well. Thank … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday, Sam!

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Homework (September 11-15th)

Homework Packets: A new math packet will be sent home on Monday to be completed and returned by Friday. Please allow your students to complete these packets by themselves as much as possible.  The purpose of this homework is for a … Continue reading

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Quest Academy Fundraiser

We are selling Cookie Dough to help fund awesome things for our awesome students! Proceeds from the cookie dough will help to fund school activities like clubs, sports, field day, field trips, library books, and more. Here are some things to know:The fundraiser … Continue reading

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Hogle Zoo Reminder

Our Hogle Zoo Field Trip is nearly here, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th.  Here are a few things to know before we go:1-  We appreciate those who have already made their field trip donation.  If you haven’t please pay your $15.00 donation to the Q1 … Continue reading

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Week of September 5, 2017

This week we start homework! Please look in your student’s blue folder for their math homework packets. I will send homework home at the first of every week and it needs to be brought back EVERY FRIDAY. Please don’t feel … Continue reading

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Hogle Zoo

  Our Hogle Zoo field trip is fast approaching. I need to get a count of all the students who would like a sacked lunch from the lunchroom and who will be bringing a lunch from home. I need to get … Continue reading

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If you haven’t already sent a big t-shirt to school with your student to wear when we paint on Friday, please do so! If they don’t have a shirt, they will still be able to paint, but I can’t guarantee … Continue reading

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Next week we are starting STEM Lab. We will have it every Thursday from 8:30-9:30am. The first month is kind of crazy trying to get all our class logged into computers and ready to go. I am looking for some … Continue reading

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