Author Archives: jessica.ferrin

Happy Birthday, Beatrix!

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I won’t be sending math homework and baggie books home for the next couple weeks. However, if you would like to start reading for 20min with your student each night, that would be awesome! I will let you know the … Continue reading

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Paint Shirts

This week we will also be learning about the Solar System. I have a fun watercolor activity planned for Friday for the students to participate in, however, we are going to need paint shirts so they don’t get their school clothes … Continue reading

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Moon Journal

Your child will be given a “Moon Journal” Monday (August 28th) to keep in their blue folders from new moon to new moon (Aug. 28-Sep. 19). They will be able to observe the moon either during recess or at home and draw an accurate … Continue reading

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We will begin practicing using computers starting next week.  If your child has not brought headphones to school yet we encourage you to send them as soon as possible. We use our headphones EVERY SINGLE DAY, often all at the same time, … Continue reading

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Information About Our Class

Parents, I just wanted to remind you about our class donations. $35 Class supplies $12 Parties $15 Field Trips Anything that you can donate would be greatly appreciated to help with our class. You can pay these at the office. Also, please make sure you … Continue reading

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First Full Day of School

We had a great first full day of school! I am so impressed with how well your students remember all our classroom rules and procedures. Parents, please remember to send your student’s blue homework folder to school with them every … Continue reading

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Monday August 21, 2017

Monday will be picture day for all your kiddos. If you would like to purchase school pictures, I have included the form in your child’s blue homework folder. Please fill it out and have your child bring it back on … Continue reading

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Field Trips and Parties

Parents, I have had a lot of you asking me about what exactly you need to pay for for this school year. So I have figured out all the details: Classroom Supplies: $35 paid to the office, unless you bought your child … Continue reading

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First Week of School Pictures

Hello Parents, We have had a great first week of school! I am so excited to have each of your students in my class, we truly do have the BEST FIRST GRADE CLASS! This week we learned a lot of new … Continue reading

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