Happy Birthday Amy!

Happy Bday
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Who is that Baby?


Baby Powerpoint
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Summer Reading Programs

To encourage reading throughout the summer check out these fun summer reading programs:

BN-Summer-Reading_736-x-310Barnes and Noble-
Summer Reading Program  

Fill out the reading journal, then bring your completed journal to a Barnes and Noble store to receive a FREE book.  Click here for more information and to print your own reading journal: Barnes and Noble Summer Reading

Screenshot 2020-05-12 19.56.31Weber County Libraries-
Fun Things to Do

Lots of summer fun links; reading and more! Make sure you check out San Diego Zoo and Monterey Bay Aquarium live camsWeber County Summer Reading 

Quest Academy 
Genre Reading Journal with Mrs. Anderson
Read a story from each genre, or have a story read to you, then color a picture about the story. Return your completed genre reading journal to Mrs. Anderson at the beginning of the next school year and you will get a prize! :)

Scholastic Summer Reading- Home Base
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Google Slides Yearbook!

Mrs. Knight’s Classroom Google Slides Yearbook! 

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May 21st Course Work


Screen Shot 2020-05-21 at 7.47.20 AMClick here for a virtual field trip to Sea World 
Click here to draw a realistic sea turtle
Click here for a virtual ride of Under the Sea at Disneyland
Click here for a fun tour of  virtual rides at Disneyland

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May 20th

Hello phenomenal 1st graders!  This is Mrs. Nelson!  

Screen Shot 2020-05-18 at 12.49.58 PMScreen Shot 2020-05-18 at 12.49.42 PM

Today is Where’s Waldo Wednesday!  Can you spot Waldo in the picture above? 

1.  iReady Math Diagnostic-  This is your only required work for today.  There are only three of you still working on your test.  If your parents didn’t receive an email from me then you can go straight to the fun links and then take a school break until Friday! 

9:00am:   Login to clever.com   and begin you iReady Math diagnostic.  You need to have 100% completed today and finish the test.  I will be monitoring both your class and my class as you all take the iReady math diagnostic. You DO NOT need to be on the Zoom meeting as I will be monitoring from your computers through GoGuardian.  

Optional Activities after completing 100% of the iReady Math Diagnostic: 
Click here for Waldo and the Magic Keys of Egypt
Click here for Where’s Waldo Sing Along 
Click here for Can you find Waldo Part 1?
Click here for Can you find Waldo Part 2?

Click here for How to draw Waldo 
Click here for How to draw Baby Sonic with Art Hub for Kids 

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Yearbook Pick Up & Chromebook Returns

Hi Parents,

All SEPs and report cards have been mailed home, so no need to come pick those up from the school.

All your student’s personal items were already sent home in April, so no need to come to Quest for that. 

If you ordered a yearbook, they can be picked up, curbside, at the Q1 main doors next Tuesday (5/26) and Wednesday (5/27) from 7:30AM to 5:30PM. 
 (Mrs. Nelson emailed a list of students who ordered a yearbook and who rented Chromebooks).

If you borrowed a Quest device, it will need to be returned on Tuesday or Wednesday between 7:30AM to 5:30PM. Below are procedures for returning Chromebooks:

  • Drive up the Kindergarten doors. An employee will check the Chromebook for damage. 
  • If you have disinfecting wipes, please disinfect and clean the computer and cord before returning it
  • Computers need to be returned with the power supply cord
  • Computers need to be charged so we can check for screen damage
  • Be sure to inform us of any damage you are aware of
  • Fees or loss or damage include, but are not limited to: Power supply Replacement ($24.97); Screen Replacement ($131.35); Full Chromebook Replacement ($232.00)
  • See the map below for more instructions.
If you did not order a yearbook, and if you did not borrow a Quest device, there is no need for families to pick-up anything next week.  Have a great summer!

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May 19th Work

Good morning Class!  This is Mrs. Nelson! 
Today is Theodore Geisel Tuesday (aka Dr. Seuss Tuesday) 

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Screen Shot 2020-05-18 at 12.04.29 PM

1.  iReady Math Diagnostic-  This is your only required work for today. 
9:00am:   Login to clever.com   and begin you iReady Math diagnostic.  You need to have 80-100% completed today and finish out the test tomorrow if needed.  I will be monitoring both your class and my class as you all take the iReady math diagnostic. You DO NOT need to be on the Zoom meeting as I will be monitoring from your computers through GoGuardian.  Please login after our morning meeting and complete at least 80-100% of the test, take breaks as needed.  

Optional Fun when you are 80-100% done with your iReady Math Diagnostic: 
Click here for Dr. Seuss Biography for Kids 
Click here to Draw the Lorax with Art Hub for Kids 
Click here for a fun Cat in the Hat Website on PBS Kids 
Click here for SeaQuest Virtual Field Trip episode 10

Click here for the QUEST RAMS TALENT SHOW
(You just click on each picture and play it, then you click on the X to close the tab when you are done and click on the next video) 

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May 18th

Screen Shot 2020-05-17 at 8.51.24 PM

Hello fabulous first graders.  This is Mrs. Nelson.

Today’s Assignments:

**No morning meeting this morning.  Only work to do is iReady Math Diagnostic.  I will be monitoring from GoGuardian.  If you have any questions please email me at anelson@questac.org as I will be checking it frequently. 

. iReady Math Diagnostic-  This is your only required work for today. 
9:30am:   Login to clever.com   and begin you iReady Math diagnostic.  You need to have 40% completed today and finish out the test tomorrow.  I will be monitoring both your class and my class as you all take the iReady math diagnostic. You DO NOT need to be on the Zoom meeting as I will be monitoring from your computers through GoGuardian.  Please login to clever.com and  complete at least 40% of the test, take breaks as needed.  

I will be monitoring both our class and yours as you take the diagnostic test.  I know that you are going to ROCK this test! 
This week there is no daily coursework other than completing the iReady math diagnostic. The students can use paper, pencil, manipulatives, etc to complete the test.  You may also read the questions and answers to them if needed- as long as you are not giving them the answers.  Please remind your students to stay focused, take their time, take breaks as needed and to make their best guess if they do not know the answer after trying to figure it out.  

Optional Fun Stuff for today: 
Click here to watch Got Talent Kid Magicians 
Click here to learn how to do your own magic tricks
Click here for 
SeaQuest Virtual Field Trip Episode 9 

Click here for the QUEST RAMS TALENT SHOW
(You just click on each picture and play it, then you click on the X to close the tab when you are done and click on the next video) 
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Friday May 15 Course Work


Friday Funday, Lettering. Handwritten Inscription Typographic ...
  • 9:00am Morning meeting (Z00m)

1. Wonders Language Arts Lesson Video

Screen Shot 2020-03-23 at 11.51.18 AM****Remember you can always find the books we are reading for the week on your Wonders Online Activities site (Blue circle with red book).
These can be worked on throughout the week but for sure on Thursday and Friday since you should be done with your i-Ready Reading mastery practice.

2. ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 1
ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 2 
Decodable Story Part 2: “Leaders Care”

(Remember to reread the decodables at least 3 x’s) 

Need a break
 between readings? Dance and sing along with this GoNoodle
  OR  **Brain Break with Blazer Fresh “Hit the ball y’all”
OR move and sing along to The 3D Shape Song  or Floss with Blazer Fresh

3. I-Ready Math: Go to clever.com and log in with your QR code. 

Screen Shot 2020-04-05 at 7.03.53 PM
Please have your child complete the teacher assigned MASTERY “CHECK” Lesson in blue on I-Ready Math. Please DO NOT help your child answer any questions with this assignment. Feel free to help them with any technical issues. They are welcome to use a piece of paper, manipulatives, or whatever they need to complete the “Check.” The

4. Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Lesson 

 5. Ms. Smith reading: Goodnight Gorilla

6. Science Experiments for Fun Friday!

Additional Learning Ideas:

  • Read for 20 minutes or more. 
  • RAZ kids Click on “Kids Login”.  Teacher’s Username: knight1st
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