Parent Teacher Conferences Sign-Up Sheet

As many of you know, I will be out of town during Parent Teacher Conferences in November. Our class conferences will be Oct 14-15, Oct 21-25. Please pick a date and time that works best for you within those dates. If for some reason you aren’t able to make the times that are available, please contact me so we can work something out! 

I can’t wait to meet with you and talk to you about your student! 

Here is the sign up sheet:   Parent Teacher Conferences Sign-Up Form 
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Box Tops

BTFE_FamilyLetter Final
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Free Skate Night

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Donating to our local food bank!

Show your Quest pride by donating food items for the food bank and help our school earn money! Each of you CAN make a difference. Donations accepted thru October 25

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Spirit Night at Chick-Fil-A!
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TeacherEase Grading


You will be receiving an email from administration today on how to login to see your child’s grades. Please take the time to click on the link they send you to activate an account. If you just go to the TeacherEase website you won’t be able to login.
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Happy Birthday Porter!

Happy Bday
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Happy Birthday Sasha!

Happy Bday
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Happy Birthday Brayzen!

Happy Bday
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Weekly Reminders

1. If you haven’t filled out the google form for the field trip, please do before the end of the day today. I have to send the lunch ladies our count for school lunches that day. If I don’t hear from you by 3:00pm I will be putting in your child as needing a school lunch and their account will be charged for lunch on the field trip. Here is the link:
2. Thank you to those who have emailed me and informed me of wanting to volunteer at the zoo. If you would like to volunteer and haven’t let me know, please email me. I would like to get groups done tomorrow if possible. I will inform those of you who will be able to ride the bus on Thursday and those who will need to drive and pay their entrance fee.
3. As many of you know the fundraiser ends this Friday. Thank you to those who are doing their very best to help us raise money for the school!
4. Stephanie in the office informed me yesterday that their system was down and they didn’t have a count for all parents who have paid. She has updated the form and I will email you in the next couple days with what I have recorded for your child. Please know that if we don’t have enough field trip donations, we will have to cancel our field trip due to the cost of buses.
Thank you so much for all your help! Our class this year is so much fun and I absolutely love your students.
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Mrs. Knight
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