Optional Review for 9/9 – 9/13

**Please let me stress that this is optional practice for your student, not required.  We do ask for students to read 20+ minutes every day to develop their love for reading.  

1- Optional Math Practice

  • The family letter below provides review in math that you can do with your student.  Please read the letter and invite your child to share what they know about the concept by doing the activity together. 
Screen Shot 2019-09-09 at 9.30.50 PMScreen Shot 2019-09-09 at 9.31.01 PM

    2- Reading 20 minutes per day.  No need to submit minutes, but we strongly encourage you to make reading a priority. Reading comprehension strategyHelp your child read a story and then retell the events from the story in the correct order.
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    Happy Birthday Payton!

    Happy Bday
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    Hogle Zoo Field Trip

    zooOur Hogle Zoo Field Trip is nearly here, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th Here are a few things to know before we go:

    1-  We appreciate those who have already made their field trip donation.  If you haven’t please pay your $15.00 donation to the Q1 office to cover the transportation costs of our scheduled field trips this year.  We greatly appreciate anything that you can donate for our field trips.  Thank you for your generosity!  

    2- Wear school uniform with RED shirt, sunscreen and good walking shoes! Please dress for the weather.  

    3- Bring a cold sack lunch from home in a disposable bag with your child’s name.  Everything must be completely disposable. If your child is eating school lunch, please make sure you fill out the form that I emailed you so we know who to plan lunches for.

    Hogle Zoo Lunch Google Form

    4- Be on time. Arrive at school by 8:30am.  Bus departs at 8:45am.  We will leave the zoo around 1:00-1:15pm, returning to Quest around 2:00 or 2:30pm.

    5- Parent chaperones: Please bring a backpack or bag to carry the lunches of the students in your group.  And a lunch for yourself.  Please arrive and meet in our room at 8:15am to go over last minute instructions and get a copy of the Zoo Groups.  If you are bringing siblings, it is necessary for you to drive your own vehicle.  Please be prepared to pay for yourself and any extra children you bring.  For those driving, plan on meeting us at the zoo at 9:30-9:45am.  The zoo address is 2600 E. Sunnyside Avenue, Salt Lake, UT, 84108.  

    • Parent Volunteers: We are ALWAYS looking for more volunteers so don’t be shy. You may join your child’s group to help with the group management. 
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    Happy Birthday Layla!

    Happy Bday
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    Quest’s Annual Fundraiser August 28 – September 13

    Screen Shot 2019-08-29 at 7.58.40 PM
    Why an annual fundraiser?
    Our annual fundraiser helps fund field trips, after school clubs, other fun activities and best of all, this will help build a school for students in another part of the world!

    Our class will be bringing home order forms for the “Schools Building Schools Fundraiser” today (sorry they’re later than other classes…our class somehow got overlooked).  Our goal is to sell an average of $100 worth of items per student (10 notebooks, 7 sketchbooks, or 5 wall art prints). If we are able to reach this goal then we will be able to have a dance party with Dr. Dave!  You are welcome to take order forms to work or around the neighborhood and the notebooks and journals make great Christmas or birthday presents.  Feel free to email with any questions.  Thank you for your support with this!

    Students can earn a prize for each item sold and can pick those up before school on Mondays, Wednesdays, or Fridays during the fundraiser.

    For more information, please watch these 2 short videos:

    Fundraiser Info.
    How many items do I sell?
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    Happy Birthday Abby!

    Happy Bday
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    Math Homework

    We had a great first week and love our amazing class!  Besides homework, we are also looking forward to starting STEM this week with Ms. Cookie and Ms. Carrie, library with Mrs. Anderson and going to the keyboarding/CODE lab with Mrs. Fischer.

    Please look for your child’s math homework in their blue take-home-folder on each day. Below is the math we are doing this week. If you would like to do extra practice at home, please feel free to use the letter to know what to help your child with. 

    Screen Shot 2019-08-20 at 10.45.32 AM
    lease start reading 20 minutes per night (Monday through Thursday) with your child. You do not need to keep track of your minutes, nor report reading homework. 
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    Weekly Reminders

    sunflower1- Check your child’s blue folder nightly.
    2- Thursday, Aug. 29: Picture Day.  Wear Quest Uniform (no spirit shirts) 
    You can pay online at: Bell Photographers
    Online password is: questes2019
    Print your receipt & enclose in payment envelope (attached to flyer)
    See flyer for additional payment options.
    2- FRIDAY:  Early Out 1:00pm
       Homework due
    $1.00 Dress Down Day 
    (Student participation is optional. Students are welcome to wear a Quest Spirit shirt with uniform pants or traditional uniforms).
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    What a wonderful first day of school we had today! If you can take a second and fill out this google form to help me better understand what you’d like to see this school year for your child, I would appreciate it! 

    Google Form

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    Welcome to First Grade!!


    I am so excited to welcome you into first grade! We are going to have so much fun!
    To prepare you for this upcoming school year, please subscribe to our blog by clicking on “Subscribe to my blog” on the right sidebar. 

    In addition, under the “Parent Information” heading you will find our Class Disclosure and  2018-2019 Supply list,   as well as e-signing the Yearly Permission Slip.    All cash donations can be paid to the Q1 Office on or before Back to School Night, or you can pay online here: ONLINE PAYMENTS marking “other” and typing what the donation is for such as: Knight Supplies, or Knight Parties, or Knight Field Trips. 

    Our first week of school will be August 19-23.  These will all be short days.  Short days will now be dismissed at 1pm

    Please continue to read to your child and have them read to you during the summer!  The more he/she reads, the better prepared they will be for the upcoming school year :) 

    I look forward to meeting with you at Back to School Night 5:30-7:30pm on Friday, August 16.  Have a wonderful summer break!

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