Homework 9/4 – 9/7

1- Math Homework: 

  • A letter titled “Dear Family” will be sent home in your child’s blue take-home-folder on Monday.  It provides an activity to do together.  Please read the letter and invite your child to share what they know about the concept by doing the activity together.

Screen Shot 2018-08-28 at 10.40.13 PMScreen Shot 2018-08-28 at 10.41.25 PM

*These are due on 
Friday.  When students return this letter with their name and a parent signature (indicating a parent read it and did the activity with their child), the student will be given 3 fuzzies. 

2– Reading 20 minutes per day.  No need to submit minutes, but we strongly encourage you to make reading a priority. Reading comprehension strategyHelp your child read a story and then retell the events from the story in the correct order.

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Prodigy Logins

For those of you who would like your student to play prodigy at home. Here are their logins. This is great math practice and they love it!

Prodigy Logins 

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Homework (Aug. 27-Aug. 31)

Homework this week is due on Friday, August 31:

1- Math Homework:  

  • A letter titled “Dear Family” will be sent home in your child’s blue take-home-folder on Monday.  It provides an activity to do together.  Please read the letter and invite your child to share what they know about the concept by doing the activity together.

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*These are due on Friday with students name and a parent signature (indicating a parent read it and did the activity with their child).

2- Reading 20 minutes per day.  No need to submit minutes, but we strongly encourage you to make reading a priority. Reading comprehension strategyHelp your child read a story and then retell the events from the story in the correct order.

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Picture Day

Picture dayPicture Day is Wednesday, August 29th 
Wear school UNIFORMS, no spirit shirts (in the Spring there will be a dress down picture day)
Picture day flyers were sent home previously in student blue homework folders. 

One item you can purchase is our class picture.  This is item #13 for $10.00

You can pay online at: Bell Photographers
Online password is: questes2018
Print your receipt & enclose in payment envelope (attached to flyer)

See flyer for additional payment options.

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Happy Birthday Rylie!

Happy Bday
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Happy Birthday, Cayden!

Happy Bday
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Happy Birthday, Cooper!

Happy Bday
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Happy Birthday, Colton!

Happy Bday
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Happy Birthday, Maesen!

Happy Bday
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I am so excited to be your first grade teacher! We are going to have so much fun this year! I hope you are enjoying your summer and are spending some time outside. I can’t wait to meet you! Keep reading, keep exploring, and we will see you in August!
Mrs. Knight (Miss Ferrin) 

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