Upcoming Reminders

1st Grade field trip to the Hill Aerospace Museum on Friday, May 18th. 

3- School Carnival and Food Truck Event
 Friday, May 18. Click here to order tickets: POQA Online Store 

4- K-2 Talent Show Friday, May 25 at 8:45am. 
 There are limited spots per grade level, so sign up quickly. Click hereTalent Show Signup

Upcoming (mark your calendars):

May 18: Field trip to Hill Aerospace Museum

May 18: School Carnival and Food Truck Event

May 21: 1st Grade Program for school at 9am (student wear RED uniform shirt with uniform pants)

May 22: 1st Grade Patriotic Program for parents at 5pm (student wear RED uniform shirt with uniform pants)

May 24: Early Out

May 25: Last day of school (early out)

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Happy Birthday, Ruby!

Happy Bday
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Milk and Cookies Experiment

Next week we will be doing an experiment with milk and cookies. Please fill out the Milk and Cookies Permission Slip Form for your child to participate. 

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Dollar Dress Down Friday for Mission K9 Rescue!!!

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Spring Pictures

Bell Logo
Look for your child’s spring pictures from Bell Photographers in their blue folders today. If you choose to purchase you can pay with cash, check, or online here:: Bell Photography  Please promptly return any pictures you choose not to purchase.
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Talent Show Signup

downloadOn the last day of school, May 25, elementary students will be having a talent show in the Q1 gym. Kindergarten through 2nd Grade will perform at 8:45am and 3rd Grade through 5th Grade will perform at 9:45am. There are limited spots per grade level, so sign up quickly. Students will be selected on a first come, first served basis. An email will be sent out if your child has been selected to participate in the talent show. Click here: Talent Show Signup
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Homework/Math Extra Practice

Please have your student read 20 minutes each night. Ask them questions about specific things they read about. Consider asking them who the characters are, what the setting is, what happened in the beginning, middle, and end. 

Extra Practice: 

  • Fluency: Practice your addition and subtraction facts using “Freckle” Math on the internet.

Go to: student.freckle.com

Type in your name and use our classroom code: NX4YQX

  • Choose “Math”
  • Find “Fact Practice”
  • Spend a few minutes earning coins for your piggy!
  • Choose any other Domains under Math and practice for fun!

Language Arts Extra Practice: 

  • Imagine Learning
  • Waterford


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First Grade K-9 Rescue Mission Service Project and Dress Down Day

This year our 1st grade students have been donating coins for Mission K9 Rescue. We will be presenting their donation during our Patriotic Program on Tuesday, May 22nd. Donations are still being collected. Let’s finish strong!  There will be a dollar dress down day this Friday, May 11th to raise funds for Mission K9 Rescue. Feel free to donate whatever amount you feel appropriate. 

As a reminder here is our post from January about this service project:

mission-k9-rescueMazzie, a war dog who was abandoned in Kuwait after his service visited our classroom.  We learned about the sacrifices many dogs are making to protect the lives of our soldiers.  Unfortunately, these dogs can be left behind after their work is done. Mission K-9 Rescue is striving to Rescue, Reunite, Re-Home, Rehabilitate and Repair any retired working dog that has served mankind in some capacity.

This year for one of 1st Grade service learning projects is collecting coins to donate to Mission K9 Rescue. 

As a First Grade we have been learning that everyone can serve and help others through stories such as “The Lion and the Mouse”. Though our children may be young, they too can make an important difference and our small contributions of a coin here and a few coins there will truly add up to something great.

We are also learning about financial literacy principles; for example, we are learning about the principle of saving and we are learning that, to earn money, one must work.  We are encouraging our students to do extra jobs at home for family or friends to earn coins to add to our Mission K9 Rescue fund.
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Quest Academy 10th Annual Anniversary Carnival

We are excited to celebrate Quest Academy’s 10thAnniversary during our upcoming Carnival and Food Truck Event on Friday, May 18th.  We need your help to make this a fun, memorable event. Please click on the following link for volunteering opportunities: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090e4eada722a7ff2-10year

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