Hill Aerospace Museum Lunch Survey

Please take a few minutes and fill out this lunch survey so I know how to plan for student lunches for our field trip. Thank you so much! 
Aerospace Lunch Survey

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Hill Aerospace Museum Field Trip

We have an exciting field trip planned for Friday May 18th to the Hill Aerospace Museum. We are in need of volunteers for chaperones. We have 4 spots available to ride the bus. However, if you are willing to drive yourself anyone is welcome. If you have small children you are welcome to bring them as long as you can manage a small group of first graders as well. We will be leaving first thing in the morning to get to the museum by 9am and will return around 1pm. 
Please email Ms. Ferrin if you would like to be a chaperone: jferrin@questac.org.

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Happy Birthday Sydnie!

Happy Bday
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Library Books

Here is some information on the last couple weeks of library day for you to be aware of. 

Next week (April 30th-May 4th) – Last check out for all classes. (except Kinder)

The following week (May 7th-11th) – Last week of all Library classes, all books to be returned or paid for.  May 11th is the official last day for books to be returned.  Please let students know that if they do not have their library account cleared by field day, they will be cleaning with Mrs. Anderson in the library instead of going to field day.  Also, an uncleared account will follow them to the next grade & they will not be able to check out until they have either paid for or returned the book.

Thank you!

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Dates to Remember!

1- FRIDAY:  Early Out 1:30pmhappy-47083_640
   Homework due
 *Students are welcome to show their Quest pride by wearing their school spirit shirts (with uniform pants)

2– Mommy & Son Neon Night Dance Party Friday, April 27. Click here to order tickets: POQA Online Store

Upcoming (mark your calendars):

May 7- May 11 8:00-4:00pm: Book Fair Time!!
          It will be a Teacher Appreciation week. They will be selling gift certificates that you may purchase for teachers before and after school on Friday May 4. We will have teacher’s picks boxes during the fair. Tuesday and Thursday POQA is hosting doughnuts for breakfast. Watch for details! ***Need volunteer hours? Please contact Lyndsey Ehinger (989) 915-4420: Text and Courtney Petersen (435)720-2535: Text or e-mail qabookfair@yahoo.com to volunteer at the book fair. 

May 18: Field trip to Hill Aerospace Museum
May 18: School Carnival and Food Truck Event

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May 21: 1st Grade Program for school
May 22: 1st Grade Patriotic Program for parents at 5pm. 
May 24: Early Out
May 25: Last day of school (early out)

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Hill Aerospace Museum Field Trip

We have an exciting field trip planned for Friday May 18th to the Hill Aerospace Museum. We are in need of volunteers for chaperones. We have 4 spots available to ride the bus. However, if you are willing to drive yourself anyone is welcome. If you have small children you are welcome to bring them as long as you can manage a small group of first graders as well. We will be leaving first thing in the morning to get to the museum by 9am and will return around 1pm. 
Please email Ms. Ferrin if you would like to be a chaperone: jferrin@questac.org.

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Homework Apr 16- Apr 20


1. Math Packet 
2. 2o Minutes of Reading 
           *When students have read a book, ask them questions and help them comprehend what they read. Ask questions like, what happened at the beginning? In the middle? At the end? Can you tell me who the characters are? What is the setting? 
Imagine Learning 

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Happy Birthday, Liam D!

Happy Bday
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Upcoming Events!

Rube Goldberg Nationals Fundraisers

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April 9 – April 13


Welcome back! Here is your homework for this week. 
1. Math Packet 
2. Read 20 minutes (Baggie Books/Reading Fluency) 
OPTIONAL: Imagine Learning and IXL
***Only 35 more days until Summer! Lets finish strong!***

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