Homework Feb 5- Feb 9


1. Math Packet 
2. Baggie Books/Reading Fluency

*****PLEASE make sure your student is bringing their blue homework folder and a backpack each day to class. It is really hard to pass out papers for parents and send home information when students don’t have them. Bell Photography has sent back pictures of your student’s for Valentine’s cards. You can choose to keep them and pay for them, or return them tomorrow and I will send them back. Some students will not have them sent home today because they don’t have a backpack or folder to put them in. If you would like them, please contact me.*****

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Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held 4-8pm on Tuesday, February 20 and Thursday, February 22.  I am so excited to meet with each of you, please sign up by clicking the following link: Conference Sign Up Form

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Mad Science/Art Club


mad scientistWe still have THREE open spots in club!  These three spots will be filled first come, first serve (and paid for) on Monday, Feb. 2.

Club will meet from 3:00-3:45 on the following Tuesdays: February 6th, February 13th, February 27th, March 6th, and March 13th.  Pick up near the front doors of Q1 is at 3:45 sharp!  The fee for this club will be $5.

Students will only be allowed to participate in 1 club each year and rules stated in the contract must be followed for continuation of club involvement.

To print the Club Application/Contract, click on the link below:

Mad Scientist:Art Club Contract

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Happy Birthday, Addison!

Happy Bday
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Hip Hip Hooray, It’s almost the 100th day of school!!!


The 100th Day of School lands on Thursday, February 1 and we are excited to celebrate!  Each child is welcome to bring a collection of 100 items that day to school (100 buttons, 100 signatures, 100 pom poms…) It’s fun to see what 100 of something looks like!  Just a couple guidelines:  
* Please let your child only bring in a collection that they can carry and manage by themselves (in fact it would be nice if it could fit in their cubbies)
* No food items (per Quest policy)
*Please no items that have been banned (like Pokemon cards)
*Have fun thinking of a creative or unique collection you want to bring :)

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Homework Jan 29 – Feb 2


1. Math Packet 

2. Baggie Book/Reading Fluency (20 minutes)

This week for science we are going to paint and create rock pets. Please have your student bring a rock to school on Tuesday January 30, as well as, a paint shirt. 


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The 2nd session of our first grade Mad Scientist/Art Club is about to begin!  

Club will meet from 3:00-3:45 on the following Tuesdays: February 6th, February 13th, February 27th, March 6th, and March 13th.  Pick up near the front doors of Q1 is at 3:45 sharp!  The fee for this club will be $5.

Admission into the club is limited to 20 students and will be on a first come, first serve basis. The first 20 contracts turned in to the Q1 office starting January 26th (The office will not accept applications before January 26th) will be accepted.  We will inform those who have been selected and you will have until January 31st to turn in your fee or forfeit your space.  (Students will only be allowed to participate in 1 club and rules stated in the contract must be followed for continuation of club involvement).

To print the Club Application/Contract, click on the link below:

Mad Scientist:Art Club Contract

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Science This Week (Friday Jan 27)

Please have your student bring something that moves to class on Friday. It needs to be something that can fit in a backpack and isn’t too big.
(Preferably something that can fit in your hand.)

Thank you! 

images (1)

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Valentine’s Boxes

Pg69f_colorStudents are welcome to bring a bag or box from home on Valentine’s to collect their Valentine’s cards in. Today we talked about ideas for boxes and discussed that this is an optional activity. Here is a link to the pictures we looked at: Valentine’s Box Ideas

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Nonfood Valentines Reminder

mazeStores are now stocked and ready for Valentine’s Day.  To help you properly prepare for our in class celebrations, here are the Quest guidelines in regards to Valentine’s:

“Per Quest’s wellness policy, all food in the classroom must be preapproved. Furthermore, parental permission is also required for students to consume food during class parties. Due to this policy—as in years past—student Valentines cannot contain edible items. Suggestions for nonfood Valentines include pencils, erasers, bubbles, stickers, etc. Please note that such items, including Valentine cards, are in no way required.”

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