CWD Mazzie & The Crismer’s visit our class!

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CWD Mazzie, a war dog who was abandoned in Kuwait after his service, visited our first grade class last week. We learned about the sacrifices many dogs are making to protect the lives of our soldiers. Unfortunately, these dogs can be left behind after their work is done. Mission K-9 Rescue is striving to Rescue, Reunite, Re-Home, Rehabilitate and Repair any retired working dog that has served mankind in some capacity.

This year for one of 1st Grade service learning projects we will be collecting coins to donate to Mission K-9 Rescue. The Coins for K9 Rescue jar will be placed in the front Q1 office for donations from now until we present our funds to the Crismer’s at our Patriotic Program.

As a First Grade we have been learning that everyone can serve and help others through stories such as “The Lion and the Mouse”. Though our children may be young, they too can make an important difference and our small contributions of a coin here and a few coins there will truly add up to something great.

We are also learning about financial literacy principles; for example, we are learning about the principle of saving and we are learning that, to earn money, one must work. We are encouraging our students to do extra jobs at home for family or friends to earn coins to add to our Mission K-9 Rescue fund.

Here is a great article on Mission K9 Rescue that features CWD Mazzie.

CWD Mazzie K9 Hero

**More pictures to come. :o)

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January 8 – January 12


1. Math Packets 
2. Baggie Books 

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Animal Reports Research

National Geographic For Kids
Kid Rex 

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Welcome Back!


This week is a review week so I won’t be sending anything home. However, if your student brings homework home today, it is because they didn’t finish it in class. We will start math packets and baggie books on Monday 🙂 

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Happy Birthday, Madison!

Happy Bday
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December 11- December 15

One page of homework this week. Please make sure you are reading with your students as well. I will not be sending baggie books home this week. 

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Pajama/Dress Down Day Tomorrow!!!

Tomorrow you can choose to wear pajamas, or just dress down for $1!

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American Hero Volunteer Opportunity

This year we will be learning about many of our great American Heroes.  We would like to invite those interested to come dressed as one of the characters and share their story with our students. Presenters will visit each 1st grade class for 7-10 minutes.  

We hope to help our students create a memorable connection to history and understand the impact these instrumental people had upon our country. 

Please sign-up now for the American Hero you would like to represent for our students by clicking on this link:  American Hero Sign-up Form

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December 4 – December 8


1. Baggie Books (Read 20 Minutes each night.) 
2. Math Packets 

MONDAY DECEMBER 4: Because of the field trip we will NOT have homework until Tuesday! 

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The Nutcracker

Here are the four parents that I have down to chaperone for the Nutcracker. We only have room for four so if you are not on the list please don’t plan on attending. Thank you so much! 

Kely Dearden 
Kellie Brixey 
Nicole Bell 
Tami Cuthbertson

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