
For math, our next standard for mastery is on doubles. Can students memorize doubles? 

If you have extra time this week (maybe Wednesday) will you please go over these with your students? Our class is really struggling with memorizing them. There is a fun rap we learned in class on that you can use! 

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October 30- November 3


1. Math Packet 
2. Reading 20 Minutes each night 
3. NO Baggie books this week!
*Remember that I do baggie books not because they are easy, but because it helps students become more fluent in their reading. I want them to be able to read a word instantly without having to sound it out, or hesitate. If you feel your student needs a little more work on a book, please don’t hesitate to not sign it. If it comes back not signed, I will just send the same one home. 🙂 

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happy halloweenHalloween Parade and Party (Tuesday, Oct. 31)

The Quest Academy Halloween Parade will begin at 9:00am. Parents are welcome to watch the parade as students walk through the Q2 gym.

We are having a Halloween Party at 11:30. If you didn’t sign up to help, but would still like to volunteer, please let us know.  Our classroom will host a Halloween treat and drink and it’s always nice to have extra hands :) 

We are requesting a $12 donation for the three holiday parties we will host this year (Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine’s).  These donations help pay for party costs such as; sugar cookies and supplies to decorate the cookies.  You may pay $4 for the Halloween party or you may pay the complete party donation of $12 now at the Q1 office

Costume Guidelines:
Please note that costumes should be modest and without blood or gore. Though students may paint their faces, masks and weapons are not allowed. Anything that depicts violence is banned (knives, guns, swords, spears, etc.). Just to reiterate, no blood, either depicted on the costume or in makeup, is allowed.

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Baggie Books or Reading Fluency Passages?

Here is the link to a quick survey. Please take a minute to fill it out so that I know which you would prefer, baggie books or reading fluency passages. I will be looking over these responses to determine what the majority of parents think will benefit their student more. Thanks so much! 

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Parent Teacher Conferences

Below is the sign-up sheet for parent teacher conferences, Tuesday November 7th and Thursday November 9th. Please choose and fill in one of the time slots to discuss your student. I look forward to seeing you! 
November Parent Teacher Conferences Sign-Up Sheet

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Homework (October 23-27th)


1. Math Packet 
2. Baggie Books!! (YAY!!) 
3. Read 20 minutes each night
4. Keep practicing math timings! (Check the blog to see what timings your students have passed off. The ones with X’s means they have passed them off. If there isn’t an X, they haven’t passed it off. 
*Check the post below to find out what tomorrow will be for Positive Me week! 
*****VOLUNTEERS NEEDED****** Check two posts down to see what we need help with! 

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Positive Me Week (October 23-27)

Monday: Hats off to being drug free! (Hat Day)

Tuesday: Be unique and don’t follow the crowd! (Crazy Socks)
Wednesday: Be a hero and stand up to bullying! (Superhero/Team Jersey)
Thursday: Scare away negativity (Crazy Hair Day)
Friday: Become a better you by reaching out to others! (5 food cans for dress down day) 

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Happy Birthday, Alexis!

Happy Bday
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Unit Math Test Extra Practice

I have some students who are really struggling with these two concepts for our next test. Feel free to help give them a little extra practice this weekend if you have time and need something for them to do 🙂 

Related Facts 
For questions 1 and 2 on part/part whole problems. They just need to create addition and subtraction number sentences using those numbers. We want to make sure they know where to put each of the parts and the whole when creating these addition and subtraction problems. 

Subtracting from 8
This practice worksheet only has subtracting from 8. However, I figured if I had an example of what that is, then you could create some problems using 9 and 10 to practice.

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Homework (October 16-18)

No Homework! Have a great fall break! No School October 19-20th. 

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