Blog Updated

Many of you weren’t receiving emails when I updated the blog. I have updated my blog subscription and everyone should be on the list. Thank you for your patience while I figured this out! You should receive emails Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays around 4:00pm with updates. Thank you! 

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Hogle Zoo Video

Here is a fun little video of the Hogle Zoo. I know lots of parents took pictures, so if you have some, feel free to send them to me and I will add them to the blog as well. Thank you to all our parents and grandparents who came and helped! Your student’s have not stopped talking about it and tell me every day that they want to go again! Enjoy 🙂 


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Happy Birthday, Sam!

Happy Bday
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Homework (September 11-15th)

Homework Packets: A new math packet will be sent home on Monday to be completed and returned by Friday. Please allow your students to complete these packets by themselves as much as possible.  The purpose of this homework is for a quick review, some practice, and a chance for parents to see what their child is learning in math. 

Students should be reading at least 20 minutes each night. There is a reading log on my blog under homework that you can fill out online, or print and put in homework folders. 

Math Fluency Timings:
Starting this  week we will be doing math timings. Click on the Math Timings Link to see where your child is at on math timings. Then print the timing page they are working on. Addition and Subtraction Fluency Timings. Print the page they are working on and put it in a sheet protector in your child’s blue folder. Time them for 1 minute and 15 seconds twice. Have them use an expo to write their answers that way you can reuse sheets. During class if they pass it off they will move up to the next timing. Once they complete all these timings they will receive more difficult mixed timings to complete.

*Don’t forget our field trip will be on Tuesday. Look for the field trip post from the other day for more information regarding your student’s group, what they need to bring, wear, etc. 

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Quest Academy Fundraiser

5846446_origWe are selling Cookie Dough to help fund awesome things for our awesome students! Proceeds from the cookie dough will help to fund school activities like clubs, sports, field day, field trips, library books, and more. 

Here are some things to know:
The fundraiser sale begins TODAY
Orders are due back by Sept 18
Make checks to POQA
Cookie dough orders will arrive Oct 6 at the school

Online sales also count and they are an easy way to invite family and friends to place orders.

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Hogle Zoo Reminder

Our Hogle Zoo Field Trip is nearly here, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th.  Here are a few things to know before we go:

1-  We appreciate those who have already made their field trip donation.  If you haven’t please pay your $15.00 donation to the Q1 office to cover the transportation costs of our scheduled field trips this year.  We greatly appreciate anything that you can donate for our field trips.  Thank you for your generosity!  

2- Wear school uniform with RED shirt, sunscreen and good walking shoes! Please dress for the weather.  

3- Bring a cold sack lunch from home in a disposable bag with your child’s name.  Everything must be completely disposable. 

4- Be on time. Arrive at school by 8:30am.  Bus departs at 8:45am.  We will leave the zoo around 1:00-1:15pm, returning to Quest around 2:00 or 2:30pm.

5- Parent chaperones: Please bring a backpack or bag to carry the lunches of the students in your group.  And a lunch for yourself.  Please arrive and meet in our room at 8:15am to go over last minute instructions and get a copy of the Zoo Groups.  If you are bringing siblings, it is necessary for you to drive your own vehicle.  Please be prepared to pay for yourself and any extra children you bring.  For those driving, plan on meeting us at the zoo at 9:30-9:45am.  The zoo address is 2600 E. Sunnyside Avenue, Salt Lake, UT, 84108.  

  • Parent Volunteers: We are ALWAYS looking for more volunteers so don’t be shy. You may join your child’s group to help with the group management. Please click on the link below to see which group your student is in and which parent chaperones are over each group. Chaperones:  If your cell phone number is not correct please email Miss Ferrin to update it on the field trip form in case we need to reach you and your group.
  • Please click on the link for the Zoo Groups:   Hogle Zoo Groups
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Week of September 5, 2017

This week we start homework! Please look in your student’s blue folder for their math homework packets. I will send homework home at the first of every week and it needs to be brought back EVERY FRIDAY. Please don’t feel like your student has to finish it all in one night. The packet is meant to allow them to have something to review throughout the week. 

Your student should also still be filling out their moon phases chart and return in on September 19. 

I know as a parent it can be hard to not help your student with their homework. PLEASE do all you can to allow them to do it on their own. This will help me to know who understands what we are learning and who is struggling. If you notice your student is struggling a lot with something, feel free to let me know and I can give them extra practice if needed. 

Friday will be dress down day and all donations made will go toward Hurricane Harvey. 

We also heard back from The Hogle Zoo and our field trip is planned for next week, September 12th. If you haven’t sent me an email letting me know if your student is eating home lunch, or school lunch, please let me know ASAP. I need to send numbers into the cafeteria tomorrow. If your student wants school lunch they have a choice between an apple, or applesauce, as well as, chocolate or white milk. Let me know which choices they prefer.

If any parents would like to come on our field trip and I have not yet talked to you, please let me know. We would love to have a few more parents come with us! 

Thanks so much! 

Miss Ferrin 

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Hogle Zoo


Our Hogle Zoo field trip is fast approaching. I need to get a count of all the students who would like a sacked lunch from the lunchroom and who will be bringing a lunch from home. I need to get the lunch ladies this count ASAP so they can have them ready. If you could email me what you would prefer that would be awesome!

The school lunch would include: 

  • Uncrustable 

  • Applesauce or Apple 

  • Carrots 

  • Shelf-stable chocolate or white milk 

If you choose to let your student have a lunch from the school, please indicate if they would rather have applesauce or an apple, and chocolate or white milk. 


Miss Ferrin

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If you haven’t already sent a big t-shirt to school with your student to wear when we paint on Friday, please do so! If they don’t have a shirt, they will still be able to paint, but I can’t guarantee they won’t get their school shirt dirty.:) 
PLEASE make sure you are checking homework folders each night. I have lots of papers that come back to me that should be kept at home. Your student’s behavior is also marked each day on the chart inside the folder for you to be aware of. 

Your students should be filling out the moon phases paper each night and be prepared to return it September 19. 
Thank you so much! 

Miss Ferrin 

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Next week we are starting STEM Lab. We will have it every Thursday from 8:30-9:30am. The first month is kind of crazy trying to get all our class logged into computers and ready to go. I am looking for some parents who would be willing to come and help for an hour during this time to help log students in. If you would be willing to help will you please let me know as soon as you can? This is a great opportunity to get in your volunteer hours!
Thank you so much! 
Miss Ferrin
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