Happy Birthday, Beatrix!

Happy Bday
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I won’t be sending math homework and baggie books home for the next couple weeks. However, if you would like to start reading for 20min with your student each night, that would be awesome! I will let you know the first week I start sending math homework and baggie books home. Thanks! 

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Paint Shirts

This week we will also be learning about the Solar System. I have a fun watercolor activity planned for Friday for the students to participate in, however, we are going to need paint shirts so they don’t get their school clothes dirty. If you could send to school a big t-shirt before Friday with your student (one you don’t mind getting dirty) I will hold on to them until Friday. Thanks so much!
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Moon Journal

Screen Shot 2015-10-08 at 9.50.12 AM
Your child will be given a “Moon Journal” Monday (August 28th) to keep in their blue folders from new moon to new moon (Aug. 28-Sep. 19). They will be able to observe the moon either during recess or at home and draw an accurate picture of the shape of the moon they saw that day.  This should give the kids a chance to see the moon as it goes through all of its phases (full, three quarter, half, crescent, and new). We will also be talking about these during science this week. 

 Undoubtedly there will be some cloudy days that prevent them from seeing the moon, so they can either draw clouds or visit the following website which displays the phase of the moon according to your location/time zone:  
Here’s another great link to see when the moon is rising, setting, and which phase it is in:  Moonrise, moonset, and moon phases

Thanks for your help and encouragement!  I’ll collect their Moon Journal paper on Sept. 29th. 

Happy Moon Watching!

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We will begin practicing using computers starting next week.  If your child has not brought headphones to school yet we encourage you to send them as soon as possible. We use our headphones EVERY SINGLE DAY, often all at the same time, and we do not allow students to borrow other students’ headphones because of liability in case they are broken, etc.  

Thank you very much! :) 


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Information About Our Class


I just wanted to remind you about our class donations. 
$35 Class supplies 
$12 Parties 
$15 Field Trips 
Anything that you can donate would be greatly appreciated to help with our class. You can pay these at the office. 

Also, please make sure you are checking BLUE homework folders every night. I sent all their folders home today with papers that need to stay at home. Not only should you look at them, but please take the papers out as well. I had lots of folders return to school with papers that should have stayed at home.

After this week your students should have a pretty good idea where to meet parents and siblings after school. I won’t be out there every day to help them because of carpool duty in the back. Please make sure your child knows where to meet you.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me. Thank you so much.

Remember that tomorrow is short day and we get out at 1:30pm!

Miss Ferrin

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First Full Day of School

We had a great first full day of school! I am so impressed with how well your students remember all our classroom rules and procedures.

Parents, please remember to send your student’s blue homework folder to school with them every day. We have lots of important papers, as well as, classroom assignments that will need to go home each day. Also, please remember to check these folders daily to take out papers that stay home, as well as, papers that need to be brought back to school. 

We only had about five or six students bring back picture money today. If you would like to order school pictures, please fill out the form I sent home and put them in your child’s blue folder to bring back to school. If it isn’t in their folder, I won’t see it. I check these folders daily, not their backpacks. 

Thanks again and I will see your students tomorrow! 

Miss Ferrin 

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Monday August 21, 2017

Monday will be picture day for all your kiddos. If you would like to purchase school pictures, I have included the form in your child’s blue homework folder. Please fill it out and have your child bring it back on Monday. (Make sure it is in their blue folder). 

Also, please check these folders each night for important information, as well as, papers that need to be kept at home and papers that need to be returned to school. (If you leave papers in their folders every day they get really full and papers fall out.) These folders need to be brought to school each day. 

Also, Monday we will be watching the eclipse during our morning recess. The school has provided us with glasses for your student to wear. 

See you Monday! 

Miss Ferrin 

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Field Trips and Parties


I have had a lot of you asking me about what exactly you need to pay for for this school year. So I have figured out all the details: 

Classroom Supplies: $35 paid to the office, unless you bought your child all the supplies listed on the blog. (This should have already been paid) 

Field Trips: $15 

Parties: $12 

This will help us to cover the cost of all events and fun activities that we have planned for the school year (it is listed on the permission slip you signed).  I apologize for those of you who were confused about what to pay for. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me. Thank you for your patience with me as I figure out all the information needed for this school year. There is a lot to remember. 

Miss Ferrin 

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First Week of School Pictures

Hello Parents, 

We have had a great first week of school! I am so excited to have each of your students in my class, we truly do have the BEST FIRST GRADE CLASS! This week we learned a lot of new procedures and expectations. Please make sure that your child gets enough sleep and a healthy lunch that will last ALL day next week. I have had lots of your kiddos ask me when they can go home because they are tired and hungry.

Also, today we read a book about “Filling Your Bucket.” It’s all about how each of us have an imaginary bucket and we can choose to fill people’s buckets with nice comments, behaviors, etc., or we can choose to empty the bucket with hurtful and mean behaviors.  We had a class discussion on the do’s and dont’s in the classroom. For example, we DO raise our hand to speak or to get out of our seat. We DON’T interrupt the teacher when she is talking. When we interrupt, it drains her bucket. When we do good things, it fills her bucket. If you could take a few minutes and talk with your student about this to remind them (maybe have them tell you the do’s and dont’s) that would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much for your help! Here are some cute pictures of your first graders! 
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