Halloween Celebration!

Our classroom Halloween celebration will be on November 1st.
It will be the first 1.5 hours of the day and will consist of 6 centers. These centers will be fun activities and games.

Thursday’s parade will take up the majority of our time, so we will celebrate a day later. No costumes on Friday, please.

If you are able to volunteer your time on Friday, please post a response here.

Please include if you will be there in the AM or PM and if you can provide an activity.

I have activities also if you would just like to donate your time or if you can provide an activity but cannot come in leave a post below!

Thank you!


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15 Responses to Halloween Celebration!

  1. Amy Arner says:

    I would like to volunteer for Friday. I can be there ar the start of Pm kindergarten.

  2. Jen Johnson says:

    I can help out for PM. I will bring a craft. How many kids are in the class?

  3. Jeanine says:

    Me (and my hubby) can be there Friday AM. I wish I was creative enough to provide an activity 🙂

  4. Debbie says:

    I can come and help in the AM class. Let me know if you need a craft or game. I would be more than willing to plan plan one.

  5. Brittney hale says:

    I can help with the pm class and I will be an activity as well!

  6. Felicia Stone says:

    I’ll be there in the AM, I do not have a activity. Sorry.

  7. Jenny Ellsworth says:

    I can come in for the AM class, but I do not have an activity/craft

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