Valentine Celebration!

Valentine’s Day is approaching!

We will celebrate with six centers. I have some fun math games available if you would like to join us, or if you would like to bring a fun craft or treat the kiddos would love that as well!

Please leave a post below with your craft and if its for AM or PM.
If you plan to include a treat, please let me know by Monday so I can get permission slips out to all families.

Valentines are optional, but if you do choose to send valentines, please no candy or food. We have 26 students in each class. We do not send home class lists, so to save time, please do not label the valentines. 

The Kinders will decorate bags to hold their cards in the classroom. No need to bring anything from home. 

Looking forward to a fun celebration to show your kiddos how much they are loved!

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7 Responses to Valentine Celebration!

  1. Mrs. Smith says:

    Summer said this Friday is a $1 dress down day? Is this true?
    All I am seeing is that it is a read-a-thon/stuffed animal/short day…

  2. angela eschler says:

    I would love to furnish a cute little treat that is a Twinkie made to look like a Minnion from Despicable Me. It says “your one in a minnion” If that something that would go with your theme for the day as just a little extra, let me know.
    Angie Eschler

  3. Jessica Robison says:

    I would love to volunteer for the valentine day activities!

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