Valentines Day

Permission for treats to be enjoyed on Valentines day need to be sent home tomorrow, Friday Feb. 7.

If you would like to contribute a treat or craft for students, please email or post below by tomorrow morning.

If you are able to help in the classroom, please also contact me. I try to plan out enough activities and it is difficult if I do not know how much help I will have. You do not have to have an activity to join!

Can’t believe Valentine’s Day is in one week!

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16 Responses to Valentines Day

  1. Felicia Stone says:

    Hi, Braxtyn has been begging me to come to the Valentines day party, so if you have something I can help out with I would be happy to come. Sorry I don’t have an activity to bring. Also I will be in the class on Monday Feb, 10 for Braxtyn’s star student if that is ok with you. Let me know..
    Felicia Stone

  2. Jenny says:

    I would like to volunteer for valentines day

  3. Nicki says:

    I am happy to buy some treats for the party. Let me know what you need and I can drop them off!

  4. Jenny says:

    I would also like to bring a treat if you don’t already have a lot of parents bringing them for the a.m. class, just let me know what you would like

  5. Mrs .Smith says:

    Hi, this is Summer’s mom.
    My husband & I would like to come & stay that morning!
    If you need anything let me know. 😉

  6. Lorinda says:

    I wasn’t sure if the treats had to be tied into a lesson. If so, I have an idea for a treat with a math and reading lesson. I don’t mind providing the treat and supplies for the am class. Just let me know. I will also be there for party.

  7. Kathi Deem says:

    I can help in the pm class. I can bring cookies and supplies to make a valentine treat, I can find a craft if you need one, or bring a valentine book to read. Let me know what you need.
    Kathi Deem

  8. Bree Stanger says:

    Hi. I am available to volunteer for the afternoon kindergarten class. Do you need any additional treats? I can bring that! Thanks!

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