
Homework 19 has been posted. Thank you to everyone who has been able to work on IXL and RAZ-kids!!

Valentine celebration will be this Friday! It will be the first 1.5 hours of the class, but anyone is welcome to come for the entire time! 
AM: 8:45-10:15 PM: 12:30-2:00


Valentines are optional.
There are 26 students in each class.
No treats please! (We have some organized food they can enjoy!)
The bright green handout must be returned if your child is allowed to each food in the classroom.
Please DO NOT send the Valentines labeled to each child. Passing these out the the correct Kinder takes a very long time.
We decorated bags in the classroom. No need to bring in something for your Kinder’s valentines!

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2 Responses to Notes

  1. Amber says:

    Sorry if I missed the memo on this, but are there Parent Teacher Conferences for Kinders in March? If so, how do we sign up? Thanks!

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