Reading Centers

We have finally started reading centers! Already these amazing Kinders are quietly working together in small groups! I am so proud of them!


I would love more than anything to get family volunteers for these hour blocks.
AM centers – 8:45-9:45
PM centers – 12:30-1:30

Please leave a post if you are able to help. Let me know what day works best for you. It is best if you can commit to one day a week (I don’t want to burn anyone out!) You are more than welcome to stay for the entire class period.

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14 Responses to Reading Centers

  1. Aoi Knowles says:

    I can do this Friday from 8:45am. Do I need something?

  2. Jeanine Humphrey says:

    I can help every Wens!

  3. Erica Stagg says:

    I will be available on 09/20 from 12.30PM

  4. nicki.slaugh says:

    Just let me know what you would like me to do 😉 Thanks

  5. Cathy Tolman says:

    I can help one Friday a month if it is possible.

  6. Stephanie Monson says:

    I can help on most Tuesday’s am.

  7. Jenny says:

    I can help this Friday am

  8. JaLesha O. says:

    I would love to come “try out” a day! I think my almost-3 year old would be just fine but I’d want to make sure before I committed. Don’t want to be a distraction instead of a help!!! Any day but Thursdays are pretty open. Let me know when you’d like some help in the next little while and we’ll do it! 🙂

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