
Homework 16 has been posted. Please note that homework now includes IXL and RAZ-Kids. I will have computers in the classroom on Mondays for students who did not complete these tasks. Due to the time needed for Waterford, we do not have time in the computer lab and it is important that our Kinders use these websites provided by Quest!

SIS grades are set for mastery. If your child has mastered the standard, he or she will receive a 4. Anything lower than a 4 means your child has not mastered that standard yet. 

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2 Responses to Notes

  1. Cathy Foster says:

    Isaac doesn’t know his user name and password… I don’t remember how they are assigned =)

    • Mrs. Esson says:

      If you go through the IXL link in the tabs section, his user name will be ifoster and the passwork rams.

      If you do not go through the IXL link it will be ifoster@quest and the password rams. 🙂

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