
Just sending a little “Hello!” from Italy!

I will be flying back to the States on Tuesday to be back with the kiddos on Wednesday! I can’t wait to see everyone!

Homework #26 has been posted.

Italy is beautiful. Mr. Esson and I stopped by the Thursday morning market to pick out some beautiful blue flowers to celebrate our baby BOY! 

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6 Responses to Notes

  1. Grayle says:

    Awesome news. Congrats on a little boy!!
    I still think you should name him Grayle.

  2. Mrs .Smith says:

    Yay!!! Congrats!!! 😉 & Summer will be happy to have you back!

  3. JaLesha O. says:

    Ooohhh!!!! 🙂 YAY!!! Konlan was just talking to me today about how he is so excited for you to have the baby and bring him to class. I told him it’d be after school was out and maybe you could send or post a picture. 😉 He will be so happy you are almost back to school. Glad you got to go!!! I won’t tell him your announcement so you can. 😉 CONGRATS!! Boys are awesome!!!

  4. Lorinda says:

    A boy… exciting! Enjoy your time with Mr. Esson and we look forward to seeing you later this week. 🙂

  5. Cathy Foster says:

    YAY! congratulations!!

  6. Jazzy & Nicki says:

    Congrats to YOU and your hubby! Glad you are home! xoxoxo

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