Field Day — This Friday!

Kindergarten – please wear a red shirt!
All Kinders will begin the day at 8:30. Plan to stay until 1:00.
Parents are welcome to stay for the day.
Please bring a brown bag lunch!

The main idea for field day is working together to accomplish something (team work). 

We will have 6 25-minute rotations and a 45 minute lunch break/free time with 5 minutes in between each rotation. We will start the 1st rotation at 9:00am. That gets us done by 12:45pm to have a treat before going home. They will be rotating through these by grade with their classes, so we need teachers with their classes. 

We have made a “rainout” schedule for holding field day inside the building as well.  

#1 is the Triathlon which Kathi Deem is in charge of. If you are available to help with this event, please send me an email! 

#2 is Human Chess for grades 2-5 and Human Checkers for grades K-1 

#3 is Hula Hoop and trust activities like Human Chairs.

#4 is Backwards Charades

#5 is called All In which is a rope circle activity

#6 are blindfold activities called Which Shape and Lead the Herd

Unfortunately, I will not be at Quest this last Friday. We have some amazing people who will be here to spend the last day with your Kinder. 

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2 Responses to Field Day — This Friday!

  1. Felicia says:

    Braxtyn said I send him to school with a lunch for Friday, just checking if this is correct?

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