Star Student

We are SO excited to begin showing off our Star Students!

Each week beginning Tuesday, September 3, one child from each class is to bring in a small poster (half of a poster board please) with pictures and things he/she loves.

Please print this paper below and paste it to the back of the poster.

The Google Calendar on the blog has the names of each child labeled on their special week. Please look this over and then bring in the poster.  

2 Responses to Star Student

  1. Shanna Carlson says:

    What paper are we to print off? I can not find which one you are talking about. Is it the calendar that you want us to print?

    • Mrs. Esson says:

      Sometimes it does not show on an iPad or other computers. If you cannot see the paper that is under the directions, Im happy to print it off for you and send it home.

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